Chapter Four

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He pulled me to the open window.Since my room is on the ground floor there is a garden outside.

"Let's play a game"he said after we took a few steps away from my room.

"What game?"

"21 Questions.I'll ask first"

"Alright I guess"

"Tell me your full name and I'll tell you mine too"

"Patrick Martin Stumph"

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III"

"Pick a bigger name next time"

"Ha.Ha.Now you ask"he said and I thought about it for a bit

"What's your favorite food?"

"Pizza duh"he stopped and looked at me "Should I expect you to answer or...?"

"I have a favorite food.I used to eat too"

"Okay sorry.Damn,you get angry really easily.Now tell me angry-smartass-sassy-lazy..."he stopped "Fuck it.I'll call you Trick"I chuckled.He is so unsteady."Now answer the question you peasant!"he ordered

"Alright,alright.I guess chocolate would be my choice"

"Chocolate?Really now?"

"Yeah,what's wrong with that?"

"I mean an actual food."

"What do you mean an actual food?"

"I don't- I mean a food that is being chicken wings or something."

"Is spaghetti okay for your preferances your majesty?"

"Meh.I'll accept it just because I'm too bored to argue right now."he said.

I didn't really pay attention to where we were going but for a reason I felt extremely comfortable and safe with him.

"When is your birthday?"

"April 27 1999"

"I wasn't told when I was born because I am an orphan"he's what? "BUT here, in the clinic they gave me a birth date.June 5 1997"

"You're an orphan?I'm-I'm sorry Pete"

"Nah,that's okay man.I'm used to it.I've never met my parents anyway so it's easier I guess." he said with a smile "But this counted as a question so I have to ask you back.What happened with you and your mother?" I stopped walking and looked at him.

"How do you know about that?" I asked as I started lightly panicing.

"When Joe started telling you how you ended up here, you stopped him at the time he started talking about your mom.So tell me what happened"

"I'm sorry,I..." I tried to find an excuse but I failed. "I just don't feel comfortable to tell you yet.It's a bit tough for me to say it and I would prefer not to talk about it"he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, we are here" he said and I just noticed where we ended up.

It was an enormous tree with its leaves hanging so low,almost touching the grass.It's trunk was old and thick, hiding behind them.It's a willow I assume.

"Do you like light Trick?"he asked with a smirk

I looked at him and tried to figure out what he was thinking.He bent down and grabbed a small rock from the ground.

"Let's make some kids happy" he said and took a few steps back.

He made a half turn and with a quick move he threw the rock on the willow's trunk.

Perfection Of Insanity~Peterick FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now