Chapter Eleven

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Mikey was getting mad and Joe was getting upset.I tried my best to keep them there but it felt like the hardest thing I've ever done.I didn't hear anything from the back of the room as if no one was there and I started getting nervous.

Being the selfish me,I didn't really feel concerned about Mikey catching Brendon doing all these stuff,because as I can see, it happened a lot of times before.Instead I'm worried of me getting in trouble because of him doing this.That's the last thing I want right now.Or need.

You know that feeling when seconds feel like hours to pass and you need to think something smart to do or say quick,but instead you stay still without saying anything because you are afraid that it will make things worse?Well,that's exactly my position right now.

"Listen Patrick,I'm sorry but I have to get in"Mikey said and pushed me on the side

He walked to the very back of the room where the bookshelves were hiding him well enough to become invisible.I could feel he was getting closer without seeing him.I got extremely anxious.My heart was beating fast enough for me to hear it and I suddenly became so dizzy that things would black out for a second.This was going to be bad.

"Patrick"I heard Mikey calling.Really bad.

Pete's POV:

Hours passed after Patrick told me he would go to therapy with Brendon,but still I haven't heard anything from the room next door.Andy walked in.I kept my eyes closed in hopes he would regret his decision of walking in and return back out.

"Pete"he whispered because he 'didn't want to scare me'."I know you are awake,so if you opened your eyes,that would be nice.It's like I'm talking to a dead person" if only I could be dead right now.That would be perfect."Please,open your eyes"he sighed.

I forced them open and looked at him."I need you to sit up,so come on"he said and placed his hand under my back to put me on a sitting position,then he looked at me.He brought a bottle of water next to me and held something in his hand tightly."Take this"he said and handed me a pill in my hand.

It was a really small and thin orange colored one.I just nodded negatively."You know you need to take it,Pete.You'll force me to do it" I just laid back down and covered myself with the sheets going above my head."Come on now.You won't get away with it and you know it,I'm sure"

After some time of me not responding,he decided to take over."Okay that's it,I've warned you,but enough is enough"he said and pulled the covers down.He brought me back to the sitting position and held me back by pushing my shoulders on the wall.

"Stop it.I don't want to take the fucking pill.Why are you doing this?"I asked while trying to escape from his grip,something that felt nearly impossible at that moment

"If I don't then you won't do anything at all.You won't even talk.Or move"

"But I'm talking to you now!"

"Don't play fool with me Pete.You understand what I mean.Now just swallow the pill and you'll be fine"

"I am fine.Just don't make me take it please."things started getting out of control.My words,my moves,my actions...everything.The things in my room started taking different forms.Most of them were melting.I started smelling smoke.I looked around me just to find out the room was on fire.A fire that came closer to me.But I couldn't talk.I couldn't get a proper sentence out of my mouth and the smoke choked every breath I tried to take.Bluriness covered everything before my vision turned everything black.

Patrick's POV:

"Yeah?"I asked and avoided eye contact with Joe.

"Where's Brendon?"what is he talking about?


"Where is-"

"No I heard you"I stopped him.I walked to the back of the room where Brendon was just minutes ago,just to realize that he was gone."He was right here,I swear"

"Listen to me Patrick;I don't have time to play any games with you right now.I need you to tell me the truth and you better do it fast."he grunted as his tone started to getting louder

"But I'm telling you the truth.He was right there."


"Mikey don't raise your voice at him.If he said he doesn't know,then he doesn't know"

"I don't believe him"Joe looked at me when Mikey crossed his arms

"Patrick look at me."he whispered"Do you know where Brendon is?"

"No"I whimpered

"He's telling the truth.Trust him"

"How am I supposed to trust him?"he yelled"He is here for not even three days and already Pete got closed in his room AND we lost Brendon too."he hissed.He's right.

"It is not his fault for any of them.You know very well that both of these boys have severe psychological problems with wich Patrick has completely no relation to.You can't blame him."

"They were just fine before he came here"Why am I still in this place?I need to go.

"No they were not.And believe him,if it was his choice he wouldn't be here right now"

I couldn't stand that anymore.I just walked away and left them fighting.I need to leave the clinic.I don't have an eating disorder and I'm just ruining everything in here.I walked through the hallways and as I started walking faster,I found it really hard to breathe.But I'm gonna do it.I'm gonna leave the clinic.I have no clothes or anything here,so the only thing left is to find my way out.I'm just gonna keep walking toward the living room like area.I can't recall a lot of things from when they brought me here but I remember the blue couches that were empty that day.

I didn't hear Joe's voice or footsteps near me so he didn't even notice my absence,which is good for now.I just need to keep walking until I see the couches.I walked past Pete's room,then I walked past mine.Just keep walking and everything will be fine.Nothing is familiar after this point.I'm getting closer.Closer to freedom.I finally reached the living room and I already felt better.But life can never be easy.Somebody need to always mess up with my plans.Every time.

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