Chapter Two

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We didn't speak at all until we reached my room,but I didn't mind.I was thinking about the guy I was talking with before.I was so focused on talking to Joe when they came in that I didn't get the chance to look at him.Now I have absolutely no clue what he looks like.I guess I will find out though since he is in the room next to mine.And also our meeting tonight will be helpful,hopefully.

When we reached outside of my room I looked at Joe and he still had a puzzling expression on his face.


"Yeah?"he asked while unlocking the door.

He opened it and we both walked inside.He closed the door and sat next to me on the bed.He didn't look at me,just started writing stuff down again and I felt a bit guilty.I took a deep breath.

"Are you mad at me?"I asked

"I am not exactly 'mad' at you.I'm just a bit concerned about you that's all."he said but I am not really convinced that that's all.

I would apologize but I do not wanna give such a strong promise because even though I feel bad about doing it, I can't promise that I won't do it again. So instead of giving a promise that I am not capable of keeping,I won't say anything and let him speak, for one more time.

"Why did you run away?"he asked,looking at me for the first time after we came in here.

Why would he ask me this?I am pretty sure he is smart enough to know the answer to this question.I'm not gonna answer it.

"No reason" I said

"There's always a reason for a person to-"

"I don't have a reason though, I just didn't want to go.Stop asking me this question because you are not gonna get a different answer"I felt out of breath once I finished talking and dizziness made my balance weak,but I didn't want to let it show.

I touched my head on the wallboard and closed my eyes,in order to calm down.I could hear the scratching on the paper by his pen so I know that he just started taking some notes again.

I felt the mattress moving and when I opened my eyes Joe was standing up as if he was ready to go somewhere.

"I'll be right back"he said and rushed out of the room.

I heard him locking the door,this time twice.I sighed and looked at the ceiling.I bended over and lied on my bed.I would have tried to sleep but I knew it was pointless. It makes no difference whether I am tired or not.I just can't sleep and I am used to it.

"Why didn't you tell him?"I heard a voice coming behind the wallboard.

I jumped but then I understood it was Pete.

"Tell him what?" I asked without really thinking about it.

"The reason you ran away"

"Because he knows the reason.I don't like saying it out loud"

"Well you said it to me"

"I couldn't see you in the dark.It was easier for me then"

"You have a point.But if you want my advice,you better start eating even a tiny bit or else he'll feed you through the nastrogastric tube"

"The what?"I asked making it clear I know very little about these stuff.

"The nastrogastric tube.It's a tube that they put inside your nose and feed you through that.It's not really enjoyable believe me"he said and stopped for some seconds."But that's the extreme.For now I believe he will not do that."

"I don't know.I don't really-" I stopped talking when I heard the door unlocking.

"See you tonight" he said just when Joe walked in.

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