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Aries parker.

I looked at myself in the mirror with no intentions of doing it but I did anyway, I cracked a smile as I thought of the reason why I can spend 10 minutes on the mirror staring at myself. My hazel eyes glowed from the little sunlight that has made it in my room through my curtains, I have a beauty spot right above my lip and my frozen eyebrows were on fleek. I ran my hand on my face turning my head from left to right looking for pimples that want to make my life a lot harder. You're beautiful. His voice echoed in my head he is the reason why I can stand and look at myself in the mirror.

Weeks ago you wouldn't have thought that I, Aries parker would be the Talk of Westview high not only that but for the first time in my life I actually got noticed, You know before I was just the girl in the crowd with her head always down. I was shy and lacked a lot of confidence, I don't have any friends my only friend was books at the library. I would sit there after school when everyone was gone home 
That's when I met him. He, out of that whole school actually talked to me and kept the longest conversation I've had with any other person at school. He told me I had a beautiful smile and eyes. We would sit at the library everyday after school and talk then later he would take me home, I enjoyed his company he was the only friend I had. Funny thing is he was the most Popular Guy at school, he was well known for his incredible voice, every girl at Westview high wanted to see themselves in his arms some fantasized about him. He was the guy that would get stares from girls when he walked down the hallway But I loved one thing about him, even though he was popular he was somewhat like me.. Anti-Social. He only had one friend at school that he only talked to, he was known to being rude yet he had the most Chilled heart ever nobody knew him like I did, just like nobody knew me like he did. That's who I fell in love with, August Anthony Alsina. After we had made everything official word spread out quickly, I would get uncomfortable stares from girls and whisperes. I would often hear girls talking about me and why would august date someone like her. I've been the talk of my school lately and so is August, Highschool love is usually the fakest but I knew deep down we were each others world.

We would walk in the school premises holding hands just to get reactions from everyone and it never bothered us. Our relationship was so smooth and the fact that we were both each other's first love made it even more juicier. Jealousy was the only oxygen we breathed in at westview high it was almost like we made them even more jealous each day we walked in that gate. Me and August were inseparable, he took me out most of the time and he buys me gifts most of the time.

But not every story ends with happly-Ever-After. Let me hold you on to my life and his.
Me: I was the unnoticed girl at school, raised by a single mother and didn't always live right.
He: The popular boy with a lot of money and a happy family Always lived right.

Heyyy my new August Story hope you guys love this one more than anything its going to be the best book I've ever worked on.

Tell me how much you like the first chap???.. I'm waiting. Lol

Till nexxx time my hittas stay tuned.

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