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Aries Parker.

The flight was tiring and very boring, August's brother was supposed to come fetch us at the airport but he was busy and couldn't make it, We decided to call a cab to take us home.

The cab got there on time as we got in and it took us to my house. In the cab I couldn't help but cuddle myself next to August, there was something unsettling about our lending. I have this uneasy feeling, I did not want to tell August about it but I'm sure whatever it is it will be okay.

"Yuh' seem cold, is yuh' okay?" He asked I nodded he placed a kiss on my head.

"Aren't yuh' happy we back..?"

"Not really" I said honestly he chuckled

"We'll plan 'nother trip next time aight?" He said I nodded.

My phone vibrated, I pulled it out and saw a text from my mom.

-I'm worried. It's getting' late and you not here.

"That yo' moms?" August asked I nodded I sighed putting my phone away, I was almost home anyway.

The ride was quick, the cab stopped outside my house. August got out with me to help me with the bags.

We stood outside as he put the bags in front of the door for me. "Look I gotta get going, I'm tired as hell.." He said looking at his wrist watch I nodded.

He pulled me into a hug and I didn't want to let go of him, It felt like forever until we pulled out. I looked up at him and gave him a kiss on his lips.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked he chuckled.

"Trust me baybeh, I want to spend one more night wit' yuh' buh I gotta get home and tomorrow is school. I'll see yuh' tomorrow, if yuh' want I can pick yuh' up first thing in the morn'" he said I nodded

"Okay, I'll see yuh' tomorrow"

He cupped my chin as he gave me a long kiss. "I love you so much" he said after pulling out and looking at me.

"I love you too babe" I said we stared for a moment before he gave me one last kiss and he let go. I watched him walk towards the cab again as he got in and closed the door.

I watched as it drove away, I enjoyed my weekend I've gotten attached to August so much that a minute without him was like torture. I turned around as I rang the doorbell.

My mom opened the door, when she saw me she grew a huge smile on her face and she pulled me into a hug. "My baby.." She said embracing me.

"What's wrong Aries? You look sick.." She said pulling out to look at me. I was tired and all I needed was August right now.

"I'm fine.."

"Well you don't look fine, aren't you happy you back home?" She asked i forced a fake smile.

"Relax mom I'm fine, im just jet lagged" I said walking in taking my bag and my mom help with the rest.

"I cooked your favorite meal" she said trying to cheer me up.

"I'm not hungry, I just want to sleep" I said walking towards the stairs.

"Alright Mrs Grumpy, I'll see you in the morning then and you can tell me all about LA.." She said

I walked upstairs to my room, it was still the way I left it. Why was I feeling so down? What's wrong with me? I took off my converse and got in the covers.

Shortly when I was drifting to sleep I was woken up by my phone ringing, I looked at it and it was a text from August.

-i love u babe. Good night

I smiled at the text as I locked my phone and put it under my pillow. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm planning on spending it with him and I know my mom is planning something, I know that woman is always up to something but I love her regardless.

My alarm went off, I almost fell from my bed when it woke me up. I quickly switched it off and laid in bed as I stared at the ceiling. Today I was officially 16 and it felt great, I thought about what me and August did at the Hotel I couldn't get it out of my head and every time I thought about it the more I was turned on. I brushed the thought out my head and got out of bed, I headed to the bathroom as I stripped down while looking at myself in the mirror.

"Happy birthday Aries" I mumbled looking at myself. I tied my hair in a tiny bun as I got in the shower.

I didn't really know what to put on today but as long as I get comfortable then I'm good. I decided on my track pants and a matching hoodie, I put on my black Timberland and let my hair down leaving it abit messy. It looked cute.

I took my phone from my nightstand looking at the time, August was coming to fetch me today and I was so excited to see him again.

I walked downstairs and spotted my mom like always with her eyes glued to the morning news.

"Morning.." I interrupted her, She looked at me before getting up from the chair and walked towards me, pulling me in a tight embrace.

"Happy birthday baby.." She said kissing all over my face causing me to giggle a little.

"You might want to say lady instead of baby" I said she playfully kissed me

"Well lady, I bought you a few things and hid them in my closet so you should check that out before going to school." She said exactly what I said last night. My mom never forgets my birthday and she makes sure all the time that she does something for me.

"Thanks mom" I said.

She looked at her wrist watch "ohh girl, I gotta get going. My boss is quite a bitch these days" she said I laughed.

"Excuse my language. See you tonight" she gave me a kiss on my forehead I nodded.

Once she left I sat down as I changed the channels waiting for my phone to ring or a honk outside. I thought about what my mom had said, she got me something.

I got up from the couch and raced upstairs into her room, The bright room bloomed with different bright colours and smelt like lavender. My mom is a neat freak and she does everything to keep her room clean and smelling like heaven.

I went into her walk–in closet and looked around trying to spot whatever she had got me.

I noticed a camouflage bag. I know my mom doesn't like Armyprint so I knew that was mine. I picked it up and opened it, I noticed she had bought me Rihanna's new Puma slid in's. How in the hell and heavens did she know that I was crazy to get these?
This had to be one of my best birthdays ever.I put everything away as I went back downstairs with a huge smile on my face.

It was getting late and August was not here yet. I took my phone and dialed his number to check on him, he probably woke up late. We were dead tired yesterday.

Voicemail. I sighed, August is just being selfish right now and he knows I hate to get at school late.

I grabbed my car keys and headed out, He'll find me at school.
(Not Edited)

Ik ik its not much and I wanted to make it juicy but I thought I should make another chapter juicy since they just got back from LA.

I love you guys so much and thank you for reading LS.


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