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I walked in the school premises racing to my class but I noticed every one was not in class it felt like chaos but people were talking amongst themselves.

As I walked passed everyone, They stared at me. People stare at me a lot at school but today– Today was different it was really intense. I couldn't make out their facial expression I just wanted to know what was happening.

I walked towards my locker,hoping to find August waiting for Me there but he wasn't. He's probably running really late today. I stood there alone drowning in my own thoughts wondering what in the hell happened here.

Nobody was going to tell me because nobody cared enough to talk to me. I saw two police officers walking out of Mrs Murphy's class, If police are involved I knew it was serious. The two giant men walked passed me into the principal's office.

Mrs Murphy summoned everyone to their class. I held on tight to my bookbag as I walked to my class with my head down. A familiar voice called out my name, I turned around.

"Hey Aries" he pulled me into a hug, for the very first time in my life Rayeen hugs me. I was shocked honestly.

"Hi" I said he looked at me and his face was stressed, he looked worn out and confused. I was confused myself.

"Did you hear anything from him?" He asked and I didn't know what he was talking about. I didn't even know who he was talking about.

"I know this is a tough topic for you and it's your birthday but..You are the last person he was with" And my heart sank.

I felt my lungs suffocating and I became dizzy.. That's all I remember.
I opened my eyes to a room that was filled with people, it was blur but when my vision got clear I noticed the two Police officers standing next to me while I laid on the stretch bed that belonged to the school for any sick learner.

How did I end up here anyway?  I blinked my eyes so I could get a clear sight of everyone in here, Principal Martinez was standing next to my homeroom teacher Miss Perez. Rayeen and Lisa stood afar from everyone.

That's when I knew something serious was up. "She's up" our school nurse Pika announced to everyone in the room. I was confused still.

"What happened?"  I asked.

"Ms parker you fainted on the hallway and you've been out for an hour. I'm officer brown this is my partner officer wallace is it okay if I ask you a few questions?" The intimidating officer asked looking at me.

I nodded lowly, even if I wanted to say no the look on his face looked like he was the type of guy you wouldn't want to waste his time.

"Ms Parker you know August Alsina right?" He asked and when I heard his name my heart broke and I almost broke down but I held it in.

I nodded. "Yes.."

He looked at the other officer next to him as he wrote something down.

"What relationship did you have with him?" He asked I swallowed, my throat was dry I needed to drink some water.

I looked at Ray hoping he might answer that for me but he looked at me waiting for my answer too. Aren't they suppose to ask me questions when everybody else was out the room? This is ridiculous.

"Sorry to disturb, Look sir you can question her tomorrow she looks shocked right now and I don't think she knows what's going on. I had called her mother and she is on her way" miss Perez said in her thick Mexican accent. Thank god.

The officer looked at me for a second before nodding his head. "Alright, can I talk to her mother when she gets here and you two can go back to class, thanks for the information." He said pointing at Ray and his girlfriend.

What was really going on? What happened to my August?

"Ms parker relax okay.." Principal said rubbing my back making me feel batter I didn't even know I was crying, This was like a nightmare please wake me up.

I wiped my eyes, I couldn't control myself, tears were just falling no matter how much I tried to suck everything in.

"Pika, Please bring her some water" Principal Martinez said. Pika was Asian and understood a little bit of English, I liked her a lot because she reminds me of me. She was down to earth and always smiling, She was the nurse of our school and she's been working here for as long as I set foot in highschool three years ago.

She came back with a glass of water and they handed it to me. I didn't need water, I didn't need to be felt sorry for all I need right now is August telling me it's going to be alright. What a wish..

It has been an hour since I've been sitting in the sickroom waiting.. I heard my moms voice outside the room as she spoke with the Principal and probably the officer. I couldn't make out their conversation. Pika sat down next to me as she smiled and spread her arms apart.

"You need a hug" she said in her Asian accent and like water tears fell down my eyes once more as I hugged her.

Out of everybody, Pika knew that me and August loved each other she knew our relationship and she always told us she wishes we grow old together. It's so ironic that I end up with her when they tell me something is wrong with August and she knows everything about us.

"He alright" she said rubbing my back as I sobbed on her chest.

My mom walked in with the Principal and the two officers behind her. The look on her face was sympathetic, She felt sorry for me and I saw a tear slip down her eye.

Pika let me go as my mom walked closer and sat beside the bed with me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked moving my hair from my face, I couldn't answer her I just broke down even more. She wrapped her arms around me and rocked us back and forth.

"It'll be fine baby" she said her voice shaky. I hated that line because if August isn't fine then nothing will be okay.

"Come on let's go home" she said getting up, Pika helped me get up as I put my shoes on. She handed me my bookbag, I gave her a hug before following my mom out the room.

The hallway was cleared out, everyone was in class and I felt lucky. The last thing I wanted right now was to be stared down like that. I walked out the school with my head still down.

I couldn't help but think about this whole thing,  what might have happened to him.  Did the cab driver kidnap him and killed him?  What exactly was going on..  I am confused.

I got in my moms car as she asked for my car keys so she could tell somebody to bring the car home since I was riding with her.

The ride home was silent,  even though I wanted to ask her what had happened because I'm pretty sure they told her what went down but knowing my mom she might shield some information from me so I wouldn't more than this but I need the truth now though.

I looked over at her as she focused on the road.  "What happened to August mom? " I heard myself murmur in a breaking sound as I cried silently.

My mom looked at me then focused on the road.  "He never made it home last night, He is missing baby" she said I frowned as I thought about our last encounter

"but–but,  I was with him before he left to his house" I said tears forming in my eyes I shook my head this had to be a prank or some shit like that.  August couldn't be lost yet alone Disappeared.

My mom let out a shrug " I talked to Officer brown,  he's coming for questions tomorrow " my mom said. I closed my eyes as I let the tears fall,  This had to be a dream somehow,  I had to wake up from it sooner too. 

"How sure are they that he disappeared? " I asked. 

"honey,  stop thinking about this.  August could be alive and kicking somewhere else just stop overreacting okay,  I know it hurts but they will find him or he will go home" she said trying to make me feel better infact I felt even much worst.  Where is my love ?.

(Not Edited)

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