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Aries parker.

I woke up by the sound of my alarm and I heard a groan right next to me. I quickly opened my eyes to see A sleeping August struggling with the Alarm noise. I switched it off as I watched him sleep, how did he sleep here. If my mom found out that he spent the night I would get killed.

I got off bed quickly as I walked downstairs to see my mom packing her files in her bag. "You up, Where's August?"  I froze not knowing what to say.

"I know he spent the night and I know that you two didn't do anything, I kept on checking on you guys" she said with a smile, that was weird.

"I made you guys breakfast, I have to rush to work I have a very early meeting. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone and go to school Aries. I might call to check in" she pointed her finger at me sternly.

"I gotta go, bye I love you" she kissed me

"Love you too mom" I said as I watched her grab her keys and headed out I went to lock the door and sighed in relief, does my mom really love August that much that she doesn't mind having him over for the night.

I raced upstairs again and August was still asleep ,babe was probably still tired I shook him lightly

"Babe, wake up" I said shaking him he jerked his body as both his eyes opened. Not getting familiar with his surroundings he looks at me and finally remembered where he was.

"Morning." I said giving him a kiss he smiled.

"Morn' , did I really sleep here?" He asked sitting up yet rubbing his eyes

"Yea' you fell asleep, get up imma get you a new toothbrush my mom made us something to eat" I told him he raised his eyebrow.

"Isn't it still early for that? Come on get in bed" he said taking my hand

"But we'll be late for school.." I tried to reason ,"who cares, come on.." He said pulling me back to bed I wanted to get ready for school but I hardly spend moments like these with him.

"Oh and by the way you snore a lot" I said sitting next to him as we intertwined fingers ,"who, me?" He asked pointing at himself "na' na' get away wit' that babe i'on snore" he added laughing he was a trip.

"Don't worry babe it was music to my ears" I said as he attacked me with a kiss.

"Fa' real? You think I could move in here and sing to you every night?" He whispered seductively I pushed him away.

"Creep" I shook my head "We really have to get ready" I said escaping his grip he let go of me and sighed.

"Yuh' seen my phone?" He asked looking around I pointed at it on my nightstand. He took it and I watched him unlock it.

"Shit my moms and bro called, shoulda' told them I was stayin' over they prolly' worried" he dialed his brothers number.

I decided to leave him talk with whoever he called as I walked back down stairs to get my breakfast I was hungry as hell. A good 5minutes passed by waiting for August until he came down with a big smile on his face.

"Smells good" he mumbled

"What did yo' brother say?" I asked he sat down I pushed his plate towards him.

"He cool. They think I'm at Ray's place" he shrugged I nodded

"Yo' mom cool wit' me sleepin' here huh?" He raised his eyebrow I shrugged

"She seemed cool but ain't no tellin' with that woman"

Our breakfast was cut off by time, August had to get ready for school but he doesn't have clothes here so he decided to rush home and get ready and he was going to get me at school. After preparing I grabbed my keys and left for school.

I was happy today not because I spent my night sleeping next to my knight in shinning Armour but because it was Thursday, Tomorrow this time I'll be in a flight ridding to Los Angeles. Time flew fast at school too, August had a headache the whole day felt sorry for my baby. He helped me get in the car as we said our goodbyes he was going to come to my house later on to check if I had packed the right stuff for the weekend.

I was over excited about this and between me and August you would swear it was my idea to go there. He seemed less excited though I don't know if his headache bummed him but he hardly showed emotion when we talked about it.

The first thing I did when I got home was drop my book bag on the floor and headed upstairs to my room so I could start packing.

Unfortunately it turned to packing and texting to August who was trying to start unnecessary argument about me not replying on time like really Babe.. I told you I was packing.

Mom got home really tired, again she came with Takeout, although I missed home cooked meal so bad I knew she was tired and she also deserves to rest. She helped me pack as I sent August a text.

-Babe please send ur bro's tenz so my mom could call

I sat down with my mom watching CSI Miami With a cup of hot chocolate on my hand as we talked, my mind was already in LA I could imagine how everything was and me walking down them streets, I couldn't wait.
(Not Edited)

Sorry guys I know this chap is boring I mean I am too busy planning on the climax of the story but other than that I will keep you updated another chapter 5+ votes and comments.


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