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Aries Parker.

I woke up at the loud sound of my Alarm, i threw the covers off my body. Another day in hell. My phone vibrated indicating an incoming text, I looked where it was from and who else other than bae himself.

Before I could reply my door opened and mom walked in, it was a surprise she never walks in my room so early.

"Morning honey" she said sitting next to Me and giving me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled lightly.

"Look, I just want to talk to you about yesterday.. I did a lot of thinking and I want you to know why I'm being so hard on you.."

"You know you are the only family I have right?" I nodded

"And I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I make decisions because I love you and I know what's best for you.. As my daughter I won't expect you to be perfect and I know you are growing up and you want to experience life as a teenager. The way you speak about August made me realise how much he really means to you, we all need true friends in our lives and if you think August is that person go for it then baby, I won't be against it. I just hope he makes you happy because if your happy I'm super happy! So I thought why not set up a dinner tonight with August and I'll judge from there about the LA trip, how's that huh?" She said rubbing my hand I loved my mom so much.

Even though she never understood me she tries by all means to understand and make Me happy. I smiled as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you mom, I really appreciate it. He's a good guy I promise you" I said with my head on her shoulder she rubbed my back.

"There's only one way to find out, Tonight." She said I nodded as we pulled apart she looked at me.

"My baby girl is growing up, I'm proud of you honey. I love you so much" she said I nodded and got out of bed and she stood up too.

"I ran your bath water for you" well lucky me today don't you think.

"Thanks" I said lowly.

I walked in the school premises with my head low refusing eye contact with everyone. August was still on his way, I couldn't wait to tell him the great news even though I'm not sure how he'll feel about it but this is definitely a step forward.

I opened my locker and put my Steve Jordan (made that up) shadows novel in, I'm almost done with the book and Im really enjoying it.

Just as I was about to go to the library, I spotted August's car in the school's parking lot. I adjusted my bagpack and stood there like a dumb asshole playing with my fingers. August must've not seen me because his eyes were glued to his iphone6. My phone buzzed I pulled it out quickly and it was a text from August saying he was at school already and that I was going to find him by the lockers. That was kinda cute, I giggled as I followed behind him I didn't want to call him because, well that's the most ratchet thing I'd do.

I stood at the lockers awkwardly, I walked towards him. He looked on his east and met up with my eyes, a smile crept on both our faces. We were like little kids.

I wrapped my small arms around his neck, standing on my tiptoes since he was much taller than me. His large hands held my small waist and I felt goose bumps.

"Morn' " he placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Morning" I said he held my hand "So wha's the goo' news? Yo' moms said yes?" He asked.

"Well she's still thinking about that, but she told me to invite you over for dinner tonight and please don't tell her it's just us going, I told her your mom is the one that invited me to come with your family to LA for a family reunion so please stick with that" I said he sighed

"Yuh' lied? Maan.." He rubbed his face with his hand. "Okay, I'm not goo' wit' firs' impression though and I hope yo' moms ain't hardcore and shit.." August said I laughed.

"Don't worry my mom is cool, you coming right"

"Don't kno' can I bring my big blood along?" He asked I shook my head.

"August my mom wants to meet you not your big brother" I said he nodded.

"Aight, aight. I'll come over tonight" he said I smiled and gave him a kiss on his lips.

"Yea' I like that, can I get 'nother one?" He said I laughed and playfully pushed him but pulled him back again as I got on my tiptoes and kissed him making it deeper I felt his hands on my back, creeping down to my waist were my butt starts and even though I wanted so bad for him to grab my butt he kept his hands were they were, rubbing little circles that literally turned me on.

He pulled out from the kiss and gave me this weird look.

"Why yuh' breathin' like that?" I could see the smirk on his face I pushed him away from me as I sucked my teeth. He started laughing, I rolled my eyes and got prepared to walk away. This was embarrassing. He pulled my hand quickly.

"Okay.. I'm sorry buh' Damn Aries, yuh' juss got my mind really dirty." He Said pulling me to his arms that was a moment right there.

"Let me walk you to class babe.."


Hey beautifulsss!! Not much but was delicious watcha' tink?

Well this is thee chapp 5+ votes and I'll update in 2hours time. Show me some love if not me then show August(bae) some love. Anyway enough of my blabbing already


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