Chapter 3

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I went to the garden which was the most lovable and ravishing place of the house. It was full of greenery and i love it. The garden was filled with small plants and climbers. A small wooden bench was present at one of the corners near to the palm tree. I sat on the chair and enjoyed the view in front of me which was so priceless. ALLAH has made all the things so beautiful. MashaAllah. SubhanAllah. A leaf fell to the ground from one of the plants, i remembered that not a leaf falls but by his will. Everything is controlled by him. Verily ALLAH has planned the best for me. My parents left me because it was his plan. A tear dropped from my eye thinking about my parents. O ALLAH! Give them the best place in Jannah. Ameen.
I shrugged the thoughts and concentrated on the roses which were spectacular. Their fragrance filled the air around. I love places full of plants. My father was also a lover of plants. After enjoying sitting in the garden, i stood up and headed inside with my hands crossed on my chest, my hijab flowing with the wind.

I could hear Sameera and Ufaq chatting nonchalantly in the room.

''Hey Seher! Come ,let's talk some random stuff.'' Ufaq called me after seeing me. Her mouth filled with granola bar.

''Uhh...yeah, but I want the granola bar.'' I said pointing at the thing which i want.

''This is the last one and i'm not going to give it to you.'' Sameera objected.

''Well....well... Don't wanna give? I am ok with it. But for your information, i am having two bars in my purse.'' I was proud of me.

''But i think they are not in there now.'' Sameera waved my purse in her hands and struck her tongue out at me.

''You rapacious lady, you took mine.'' I took strides towards her.

''Call me rapacious or anything , but the bars are doing happiness dance in my stomach.'' With that she ran out of the room.

''Go and catch her.'' Ufaq clapped her hands.
I gave her a deadly look . She muttered a what.

''I'll see you afterwards.'' With that i ran behibd Sameera .

''Sameeraaaa....stop.'' I was screaming and running like a mad woman.

Suddenly, my body came in contact with another one. I was about to fall on mt back fron the collision but thanks to the person whoever he was. He holded me in a poise manner, with one hand at my back and the other holding my arm. I was literally hanging to him with my one hand at his nape and the other in his grip. I was shamelessly looking at him. He was so perfect. His turquoise eyes filled with amusement. Lower your gaze Seher. My inner conscience scolded me and i try to straighten myself but he was still holding me.

''Ummm i'm sorry, i didn't meant to. Now, let me go.'' But he was not at all moving.

''Miss, feisty much!'' Duh..what's his problem.

''What's the hurry about?'' Is he for real. A random handsome stranger collided with me and now asking silly questions.

''None of your business.'' I spat. Who the hell is he? Can't he just let me go?

I squirmed in his grip amd he let me go.

''See you next time.'' He walked away whispering with a peevish smug smirk.

''Moron.'' I muttered loud enough so he could hear.



I ran a hand through my hairs lying on the bed, thinking about today's incident with him. He was so statuesque. Whoever he was, he was one of the perfect man . Maybe i could see him again at the wedding function.
O ALLAH! Forgive me. What am i thinking? Thinking of ways to check out a non-mehram who i don't know.
I shrugged my thoughts away and recited night supplications and then dozed off.


I dressed myself in my floor length burgundy coloured gown. I tied my hairs in a loose bun and wrapped a peach coloured hijab around them. I applied mascara and light make-up. I took my hand purse and slipped in my stilettos. I headed to where everyone were. Today is Ufaq's wedding. I am so happy for her.

 I am so happy for her

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