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Dedicated to: sanuprins

After enjoying the whole day, we all were seated in one of the restaurant chosen by Zayaan. I was thinking that the day would go awkwardly, but it was darn fun having Zayaan with us.

''The day was great, dudes. We should leave now.'' Abdullah stood and Urwa followed him.

''Yes, it was great. We should often hangout like this.'' She winked at me.

''AllahHafiz.'' They said their goodbyes and left.

''We should also head for home now.'' I said to which everyone nodded.

''Zayaan, could you drop the girls at home?'' Fawad said, standing up. I looked at Fawad inquisitively.

''Where are you going?'' I asked, but simultaneously another voice came.
''Of course!'' Zayaan!

''Me and Harris are going to collect the wedding album and DVD.'' Fawad answered coolly.

I am seated in the backseat with Sameera on Passenger seat and Zayaan driving.

''Hey! Stop! Stop!'' Sameera yelled and the car haulted, Zayaan and me looking at her for an answer.

''There....'' She climbed out of the car and pointed with her finger somewhere. I came out to see that she was pointing to the carnival.

''No, Sameera, not now, I'm too tired.'' I leaned my back on the car lazily. Zayaan also came out.

''Please, only one ride of the ferris wheel. Zayaan, you?'' When I turned my head in a No, she asked him.

''If you want to go, go enjoy, we'll wait.'' Zayaan, you should have said a NO.

''What fun will it be alone? Okay, fine! I just go and grab a bottle of soap bubbles.'' She huffed and started to leave.

''For me too.'' I said loudly so she could hear.

''Never!'' God! Please fill her heart with mercy so she could bought one of them for me too. I love soap bubbles, but I'm too lazy to walk to get them myself. There were no people around where the car was parked, it was just me and him engulfed in silence, waiting for one heck of a mad girl.

''So, you like soap bubbles?'' He started the talk. He was standing right in front of me but at a comfortable distance, his hands in his pockets.

''Yes..I hope she'll bring one for me too.'' And then, the silence covered us again. I looked at Zayaan and found him watching me, I don't know whether it was just my imagination or a reality, the other moment he was too close to me. He was casting a magic spell on me, his eyes never leaving mine. All the voices shut out, I could only hear my heavy breaths. O Allah! What's happening to me?

And then, he leaned closer to my face. No! No! This ain't right. We can't kiss. I don't want my desires to control me. Without thinking anything, my hand raised and collided with his cheek.

''What the....''

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