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Dedicated to sanuprins
Thnx for voting dear

Sameera's POV:

What is there in Seher that everyone likes her on me? She is quiet, and become everyone's puppet. In school, teachers were impressed, in college, she had more friends than me. And now, she took away my crush. Why? Why only her? I wish she should've not entered in my life? I hate her but at the same time, I care for her. She always takes everything which should be mine but I know her innocence. It's not her fault, its my destiny. But i couldn't deny the fact that I'm jealous of her.

''If you want, you could deny.'' I suggested to her, we both were laying on the bed, she seems thinking deep.

''Are you listening?'' I asked again. She diverted her attention towards me.

''I'm feeling sleepy.'' She answered and turned her back towards me. Huh! She didn't wanna talk. Please Seher! Refuse it.

Seher's POV:

It's quarter past 2, midnight, there's no sign of sleep in my eyes. The thought is biting me from inside. What's going to happen now?

A tear rolled down my eyes followed by a stream of them. Instead of crying on my pillow, I stood up, did wudhu and spread my praying mat. It's better to cry in front of my Lord than to a non-living thing. It's so good to know that he knows the silent whispers of our heart, the things which we can't say to anyone. I started to pray Tahajjud prayer, in sujood I stayed a little longer, talking to my Lord to choose the best for me by deeply sighing. After completing four rakahs, I raised my hands for dua. I didn't utter a word, but my heart screaming at the loudest.

After praying, I felt a burden lifted off my shoulder. I was ignorant these days in my prayers, praying only the dhuhr salah and ignoring the others for petty excuses. Indeed, it's because of the sins that the heart couldn't find peace. I was going astray and Allah turned me in this situation so I could remember him again as I used to.

Whatever happened, it was Allah's plan. Whatever is going to happen, it is also Allah's plan. I need to be flowing with the flow. I folded the mat, placing it back to its place and recited the prayer before sleep and dozed off.

Zayaan's POV:

Every girl is fake. First, they hit on you and then act innocent. How dare she slapped me? What does she think of herself? She is a belle, oh no, she is esthetically challenged.

Oh! Seher! Why did you do this? I wanted you as my wife, dreamt of you every night since the day I first saw you.

It was not my mistake that I wasn't able to control myself. But it was wrong of you to slap me, and I'm not gonna forget this.

At midnight, I returned home and dozed off.

''Guess who's getting married soon?'' Mom said while serving me the breakfast. It was half past 11, and I woke just now, too late for me. I looked at her in amusement.

''Yes,you're thinking it right. I'm gonna have Seher as my daughter-in-law.'' I stopped eating, comprehending what she's saying.

''I'm going to Ammara's house to decide for the nearest date for marriage. I want to see you together before you fly to Canada.'' She said excitedly. For some reason, I wasn't able to refuse, a part of me wanted to destroy her, another part wanted to not let this opportunity go from hand, and so I remained quite, not sure of my own feelings.

The night when my mom tricked me to confess that I like her, she announced that she's going to ask for her hand as soon as possible.

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