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Dedicated to: Princessbreeze

The banquet hall was spectacular with golden and white theme. The stage was illuminating more with every flash of the camera where my newly married sweet cousin was sitting with her husband. Her face glowing with a cute blush. She has always been excited for this great day bending everyone's ears with her talks about her marriage. I'm happy for her. May Allah bless her with immense happiness in her Odyssey.

I walked to the stage careful enough to not knock me down due to my heels.

''Oh, Seher! Thank God you came. Where are others? Still filling up their stomach?'' I sat on the sofa beside her and chortled hearing her questions.

''Yea! You're right. But why need them now? You have someone all to yourself.'' She glared at me and then smiled looking towards her husband.

''These aunties are screwing me up. How many pics do they want? It's my wedding and I'm afraid I would get to see the aunties more than me in my wedding album.'' She winked and we both laughed.

I stood behind her chair for a photograph and two aunties gestured me to shift a little bit more. I shifted until i was in the middle and my arm touched abruptly with the other person standing there.

''Sorry!'' I muttered a quick apology and glanced at who the person is.

''Miss clumsy again! No need to apologise. Clumsiness is your talent. Am i right or am i right?'' He was the same person, moron, who collided with me that day. I was about to say when the camera flashed and everyone on the stage retreated back including him. I looked here and there and finally I saw him, he was ogling at me. When my eyes met with him, he shrugged his shoulders in a cocky manner and ran a hand through his hair. I looked away.

''What happened?'' Ufaq inquired .


''Okay! So go and grab a coke for me. I'm really thirsty.''

''I'll also see for Sameera.'' With that, I walked down the stage.

After grabbing two glasses of coke, I headed towards the stage again. Sameera wasn't in sight.

I was walking down the aisle when that moron appeared again, the same smug smile plastered on his handsome face. Wait! What? Handsome?

He was blocking my way so I shifted to the other side, but again, I again shifted and he followed.

''Get out of my way.'' I finally spoke.

''No.'' I looked at him questioningly.


''Nothing.'' He stood there blocking my way without any explanation.

''Okay!'' I arched an eyebrow and turned back thinking to go from other side.

''Miss clumsy, make sure not to spill the drink.'' I smiled at his comment. Something churned in my stomach.

I found myself smiling inanely just thinking about..... About him. I don't want to admit it, but I think I have a crush on him. I want to keep my cards close to my chest.

''You silly lass, you don't know a thing about him on add his name.'' I talked to myself.

''What're you blabbering at this hour? Haven't you heard the saying Sleep and let Sleep.'' Sameera complained lazily and Reciting dua I dozed off.

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