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It was a difficult task to pass the whole day in this house. After having lunch which Afifa prepared, I waited for Zayaan to come, but he didn't came. It's eight O'Clock and The house is haunting me. Afifa has already gone in the afternoon after preparing the dinner.

O Allah! What  am I gonna do now? I should call Sameera or Saffiyah. It would give me some company. I scurried towards the table where landline phone was kept. But a voice halted me, I realised it was the oven. I had placed the food for heating.

I retired to my room fed up of waiting for someone who doesn't care. But as usual, there was no sign of sleep. So, I started to do something foolish, taking out the contents from the drawers of my dresser, lipsticks, mascara, eye shades, eyeliners,and all that jazz. Crap! I don't use these things.

One by one, I looked at the different lipstick shades and chose the nude pink one to apply when going out. I was busy with my not so important work, when I heard the click of a door. Zayaan! Where was he the whole day? Taking my hijab with me, I strode out. I am not used to coming out without my hijab, at least not now.

I knocked lightly on his room's door. I heard some shuffling inside and then he was standing in front of me with a questioning look. I was dumbfounded, Seher say something. He rested himself on the door jamb, arms crossed on his chest. But what he did next, made my heart to do somersaults without a break. His raised eyebrow looked cute yet intimidating, taking control of my voice box.

''Wherewereyouthewhole day?'' I face palmed myself.

''Here.'' Can't he elucidate.

''But.....'' He cut me off.

''I was upstairs in my study.'' He turned and then BAM, he shut the door on my face.

I felt humiliated, hurt, angry. Why is he doing this? What's my fault? What happened to that Zayaan? Is he his twin?

Alhamdulillah. Today I woke up early, so my mood is good and I'm not going to let the previous night's talk made an impression on this new cheerful day.

Good. He was having breakfast when I came out of my room. I settled opposite to him whilst Afifa served me the breakfast. Again, silence! Silence! Silence and silence.

''Madame, let me do it.'' Afifa coaxed me taking the knife from my hand.

''I love to cook. If you really wanna help me, set the table and call Zayaan.'' I was doing the salad, everything else was prepared. Afifa gave me a nod and went out. I know I'm not a bad cook, just hoping that Zayaan like it.

Outside, Afifa called Zayaan for lunch who was busy in his study. After seeing the delicacies on the table, Zayaan smiled at Afifa who was preparing to leave for her house wearing her coat.

''Woah! The aroma, magic.'' Zayaan sniffed from His place where he was standing.

''Sir, credit goes to your beautiful wife.'' Afifa said before leaving the house. Zayaan's eyebrows twitched hearing the sentence. Seher? She made it all?

Good chance. As much as he wants to kiss her hands for the savoury food, he also wants to made her suffer. And ego won.

I came out with the salad, and saw Zayaan at the door.

''Zayaan.'' I called out.

''I'm not hungry.'' With that, he left, leaving me, my food, my dreams, and my broken heart alone in this lonely house.

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