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A smile found its way seeing her getting inside my room sneakily. She laid on the sofa just opposite to my bed and covered herself with a blanket which she brought from her room.

''Good night, timid cat.'' I snuggled on my pillow and dozed off.

The loud music which was my alarm for fajr deafened my ears. Groaning, I stopped it and stood to get ready for prayer.

After doing ablution, I came out of the bathroom to go to the mosque but stopped in my tracks seeing her sleeping figure. She might be a heavy sleeper that she didn't awoke because of my alarm, it's too loud, electro music.   I couldn't control myself to ran a hand through her soft skin, brushing the strands of hairs off her face.

O my Allah! I need to go for Salah. Should I wake her up or not? After thinking on it for a couple of seconds, I let it go. Let her sleep!

Seher's POV:

I rubbed my face reciting the morning prayer, Zayaan was not in his bed. I turned my head to get a look of the clock, shoot! I missed fajr salah. At least, he could have woken me up.

''His room is quite nice.'' While laying in the same position, I inspected his room. The purple white color scheme was soothing to eyes and the sofa was much more comfortable than my bed, or as I assume so. What he would have thought of me getting inside his room secretly last night? But he only said, that I could sleep in his room. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I welcomed the sleep as I was sleepy after those sleepless nights.

''Umm...are you alright now?'' We were having our breakfast silently as usual, when he broke the silence. I nodded and went silent not wanting to talk about that.

''If you want , you may sleep in my room every night.'' He said after finishing his breakfast, and ready to leave.



''I would appreciate if you would wake me up for fajr salah.'' I saw a smirk forming on his face before he nodded and left. What's that for?

Zayaan's POV:

It's became my daily routine to wake her up for fajr, my alarm's loud songs didn't even made her to groan once, she sure is a heavy sleeper. One morning, I had to sprinkle water on her face to wake her.

Now, I'm regretting why ,as to why I was acting cold hearted with her. She is innocent with a pure heart and a little timid. I wanted Seher as my wife, and she is now my wife, my cute, naïve wife. Now, it's my chance to make this work out.

My alarm echoed in the room making me groan lazily, I snoozed it to get some more minutes to sleep. It buzzed again and this time I stood up.

''What's that awful sound?'' I was surprised to hear her voice. Basically, she didn't get affected by my alarm, but today's something new.

''That's my alarm, it's fajr time, wake up.'' I stretched my body, opening the dim lights.

''Who in this world puts so loud song as an alarm?'' Her voice was sleepy.

''Zayaan has it as his alarm.'' I answered still sitting on the bed, with my face in my hands, watching her speak lazily with her eyes closed.

''Huh! Now I hate that song.''

''For your information, my alarm is the same daily, with loud songs. Now, it's weird to hear your complaints today.'' She didn't spoke after that and I went to the bathroom for ablution, smiling to my reflection in the mirror. A new attribute, weird!

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