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Prince Jay rode into the forest cave where the evil Wizard Giritin had trapped the princess, and held her over a boiling pot.

Gritin's fiery dragon attempted to smash Jay and his white horse to smithereens, but the blessings of the King and Queen kept him safe, as they charged onto the dragon's neck, and leapt for the sky towards the princess.

Giritin held his staff in front of him to envelop the princess in a protective shell, but was surprised to see Jay had not attempted to save the princess, and instead landed perfectly in front of him with an enticing smile.

"Sorry I took so long," Jay apologized, cupping Giritin's face in his hands, and his blue eyes sparkled at him affectionately, "I know how hard it's been for you, but I'm finally going to rescue you, okay?"

A small tear fell from Giritin's eye before he could stop it, and Jay swooped him up into his arms without breaking eye contact.

"Farewell princess," Jay sang, lifting Giritin up on to the back of his horse, "Maybe your parents will come rescue you for once."
Then they both rode off into the forest together.

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