Chapter 11: The snake king

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The moment Bethany entered Hedrin, her armor was glowing a bright gold. She was met at the castle gates by a colony of snakes, and they slithered around her horse's legs, wrapping themselves tightly around its stomach.

"Bethany," Lazario greeted from the top of the castle, "It has been several lifetimes since we last met."

"Hardly," She replied, "Is your king here?"

"Obviously," He teased with a grin, "How else would we explain all of the snakes?"

The large bridge leading into the castle fell down with a crash beside Bethany, and she had to soothe her horse so it wouldn't freak out from the rumble in the earth.

Bethany lightly nudged the horses sides, and Lazario hurled himself over the castle wall, landing perfectly on the saddle behind her.

"You missed me?" He asked resting his arms on her shoulders.

"I don't have time for you today Lazario, I've started my mission."

Lazario jumped up to his feet and glanced over at Giritin's limp body resting in front of her.

"Who's the kid?" He asked jealously.

"He's Prince Jay of Fairiosa's husband," She replied touching his tomato caked hair, "I've sworn an oath to protect him until the end."

"Have you sworn to bathe him as well?" Lazario asked cringing, "He reeks."

"Great idea," She replied stopping in the courtyard, "Take him to the bathhouse and be careful with him, I must talk to the snake king."

Lazario opened his mouth to argue, but she was already heading through the castle walls towards the snake king.

Reluctantly, Lazario hauled Giritin off of the horse and headed for the bathhouse, immediately assisted by the palace servants who were covered in snakes.

Meanwhile, Bethany had been caught by the palace guard, and was taken directly to the throne room.

Snakes dripped from the high ceilings over them, paintings of executions done by snakes hung from the tarnished walls, and the tables that had once carried beautiful flowers were overflowing with snake bodies.

"Bethany," The snake king greeted, "My favorite knight."

"Your majesty," She greeted getting to her knee, "I have come to complete my mission."

"Mission?" He asked as his smile vanished, "You have finally received a request?"

"His name is Giritin," She explained respectfully, "A powerful wizard who has saved the life of my brother, but he is dying sir."

"A mere magic user?" The snake king asked disinterested, "Have you come to waste my time Bethany?"

"There's more," She argued meeting his eyes, "His husband is the Prince of Fairiosa, they seem to have been separated."

"Fairiosa?" The king asked clutching one of his snakes, "Prince Jay I assume?"

"Indeed sir," She agreed, "I have come to seek your guidance."

"I have awaited his arrival for years," The snake king revealed, "You must bring him to me at once, we have much to discuss."

"As you wish your highness," She obeyed, "I will fetch him from the bathhouse."

Her golden figure marched out of the throne room, leaving the snake king alone with his guards, and he grabbed the guard nearest to him with his snake print fingers.

"Fetch me the gift of dragons," The snake king requested sternly, "We have no time to waste."

"But sire, it is not ready-" the guard began before he was glared at my his king, "....Right away sir."

The snake king summoned all of his snakes from the kingdom, causing the castle to shake from so many bodies moving, and he placed his helmet over his head.

"The war has finally begun my dears," He hissed darkly, "We must prepare."

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