Chapter 25: You've grown my pet

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Giritin awoke to the heavy breathing of his dragon, and the snake king snoring in his ear. When he looked up, all he saw was the bluest sky he had ever lain eyes on, and he jumped up from his spot when he heard the dragons tail thumping against the floor in its sleep.

"You've grown quite big my dear," Giritin laughed as he lightly touched the dragon's face.

The large beast slowly opened its eyes, and Girutin noticed they had become a bright yellow, menacing and eye catching at the same time.

"I suppose I should give you a name then?" Giritin asked what a light smile, "Forgive me, but I have already used Jiri."

"You shouldn't feel obligated to bind me with one," The dragon replied in a thunderous voice, and they both looked surprised to hear it after he spoke.

"I must," Giritin replied shaking everyone awake, "It's the only thing binding us together, and if someone else captures you first, I cannot guarantee we will ever meet again."

"Are you talking about giving him a name?" The snake king asked with a yawn, "What have you decided?"

"I do not see the point," The dragon argued.

"The point is, anyone that possesses power can brand you, even me. Is that what you want?"

"What happens if you do?" The dragon asked uncertainly.

"Then they can control you," Giritin replied seriously, "Now in my hands I will not abuse you. You'll always be free to do as you please, but in the hands of another master, I cannot promise you your freedom."

The snakes that had gathered around the large bed now slithered up onto the snake kings body, awaiting Giritin's next move.

"I only wish for you to name me then," The dragon replied, "If it is your wish."

Giritin smiled lightly at the creature and touched his forehead to the dragon's scales, "Ziken. I'm sure the clan of beasts will be pleased with that."

"Are you kidding me?" Queen Ezra asked in disbelief, "The dragon slayer?"

"Precisely," Giritin replied, sealing his bond with the newly named dragon, "You are pleased, right Ziken?"

"I do not mind such a name," The dragon replied dismissively, "If that is all, we have much to discuss."

"Agreed," The snake king replied taking the Queen's hand, "We must seal the pact between Hedrin and Fairiosa before Drendecile invades my territory."

"Ziken," Giritin commanded, "We must survey the territory for spies, I can feel them."

"Then we must hurry," The snake king whispered, "We will meet in the garden when all is done. I feel the time for battle is near, and we are running out of time."

Ziken spread his wings in preparation for flight, and Giritin mounted his back, his eyes wild with excitement.

"Is it wrong for me to feel like a child with a new toy," Giritin admitted in Ziken's ear.

"Not at all Giri," Ziken replied looking to the sky, "This body is just as new to me as it is to you, and I can't wait to set something on fire."

"I have a feeling we're going to be a dangerous pair," Giritin laughed aloud and Ziken made one strong flap of his wings, smashing everything in the room they had been sleeping in from impact.

"Take a good look," Ziken said admiring the Snake King's elaborate castle, it was the most beautiful thing he had seen since he had taken his first breath out of the egg.

"He must have one hell of a decorator," Giritin commented, "And the best gardener in the realms."

Thousands of statue of snakes were spread out to form the shape of a viper, and the shrubbery was cut out into different shapes, hiding a mountain of snakes within it.

Red flowers covered the field that represented the irises of the viper, and the tongue was stretched out by thousands of cherries.

"That must be his favorite," Giritin observed, "What do you prefer Ziken?"

"Meat," Ziken replied as he rocketed down towards a large patch of roses, "More so than before."

Giritin held on for dear life as his heart pumped in excitement, before Ziken reared his head right before they hit the ground and shot back up towards the sky.

"You are an adrenaline junkie Ziken," Giritin laughed, "I could've used someone like you while I was kidnapping that damn princess."

"I would have eaten her," Ziken replied darkly, "Would you have wanted that?"

Giritin couldn't bring himself to say no, so instead he melted into the dragon's back as his wings began to steady.

"You are getting the hang of this," Giritin complimented, hoping for a change of subject, "How do you feel?"

"Like something heavy is on my back," He replied spinning his body around.

"Nice try," Giritin growled, as he enveloped Ziken with magic.

They must've looked like a meteor thrashing around in the sky, and once they were done competing who was the strongest, Ziken landed in the Snake King's garden.

"Should I set them all on fire?" Ziken suggested.

"It's a shame to destroy such a lovely garden," Giritin sighed, "But we wouldn't want to let these spies get away, right?"

So Ziken had noticed them too. Little black dots hiding in the Snake King's maze.

He must admit, it was a clever plan to disguise themselves as gardeners, but they were leaving in the flames of hell.

"Light it up Ziken."

"With pleasure."

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