Chapter 18: Do you know who I am?!

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Clover couldn't believe it, Ezekis was being really unreasonable. After all, her heart already belonged to another, and she wasn't about to tarnish her name with the stench of an ogres touch.

On the other hand she wasn't completely opposed to it either, but she would never voice such a thing out loud.

During the times of the dragon wars, the ogres were fearsome creatures, dismembering everything in their path, and taking no prisoners with them.

It was that sort of mentality that drew her to the monstrous creatures, and without her father's consent, she had formed an alliance with the ogre king.

Afterward, they formed an unbreakable bond, and as Princess Clover exploded from within a dragon's body, she realized she had never felt so alive before. She was born to kill.

The ogre king viewed her in a different light when the war was done, and she knew their relationship would never be the same.

Of course her father was never going to approve of such a union, and she'd never allow herself to stoop as low as an ogres lair.

She felt she was born to be the beautiful Princess of Drendecile, surrounded by a throne of roses and the peasants chanting her name in town square. There was no room for an ogre in Drendecile except beneath the crummy floorboards of the kingdom where The King would never find them.

Princess Clover stormed into the throne room with her head cluttered in a mixture of emotions, and her eyes lit up when she saw Prince Jay waiting for her with a light smile.

"I have come back for you my love," He smiled, "My actions against you were indeed a test to measure your loyalty, and now that the evil wizard is killed, we can finally be together."

Clover couldn't have smiled any wider, and as she leapt into Prince Jay's open arms, her father was chuckling with joy.

"So you really have returned to us," He said lifting his staff, "We must have a celebration."

"A celebration?" Clover asked pulling away from Jay, "Will we declare our union to the people father?"

"Of course we will!" He chanted smashing his staff to the ground, and each light lit up in the castle, summoning the servants to the throne room.

"Prepare for a feast," He proposed, "My daughter is to be married tomorrow after the final pact is made with Fairiosa. We must make haste!"

The servants all ran in various directions to prepare, and the King took his place back on the throne.

"Tonight we drink the finest wine," The King said looking to Prince Jay, "Only the finest meats will be slaughtered, the finest harvest for the future of our two kingdoms!"

"I am honored," Jay replied with a bow, "The approval of the King is more than I deserve I'm afraid."

"Don't be silly," The King chuckled dismissively, "I will entrust no other with my daughters hand."

Not even Ezekis?

The thought left her mind as soon as it came, and Clover followed Prince Jay into her father's courters to discuss their marriage plans.

Prince Jay clutched his chest when he felt the transformation begging to come out, and an evil smile pasted on his lips.

"They'll never get away with this my love," He thought as his mind filled with Giritin's face, "I'll see you in the afterlife."

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