Chapter 5: I'm your prince

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Prince Jay guaranteed the children safe passage to the kingdom, and in return they swore to never venture in the wood's again.

Giritin was nervous that they would be afraid of him after their experience with the witch, but instead they all were gracious to his help.

"I've never saved anyone before," Giritin admitted, "My vendetta with the King has clouded any vision of a pact with the peasants."

"These people are the heart of the kingdom," Jay explained, "Without their alliance, we are nothing."

"You praise the people in your kingdom?" Giritin asked curiously, "We are worked to death by the King in Drendecile."

"Princess Clover's kingdom?" Jay asked mounting his horse, "Is that why their king proposed to me?"

"An alliance with your king would assure prosperity for this kingdom," Giritin explained grabbing the horse by the reigns, "You are the greatest business deal our king has to offer."

"Then I must go and properly decline," He replied grabbing Giritin's hand, "Will you come with me?"

"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth if you need me to," Giritin assured him, "I swore my loyalty to you the moment you took me from that cave."

"Good," Jay grinned, "Now fly up here, I want to sit with my husband."

Giritin materialized behind Jay with a swish of his cloak, and his glowing fingers touched the horses neck.

"Flying is much more efficient your highness," He explained as large white wings sprung from the horse's back.

Jay's eyes sparkled in excitement as his horse took a few steps to adjust to the new development taking place in its body, and it clumsily leapt to the air, spreading its wings for elevation.

Giritin whispered instructions to it using mind control and his knowledge of spells to translate, until eventually they were flying problem free through the sky.

"Giritin," Jay began hugging him from behind, "If something happens at Drendecile, I want you to allow me to protect you. As far as my knowledge goes, magic users are executed on sight."

"That is the general idea, but its operations are unsuccessful. The king is indeed powerful, but he has yet to capture a magic user."

"And I'd like to keep it that way," Jay replied, "Please, just this once I'd like to earn your trust."

"You already did that when you saved my life," Giritin assured him, "But I will do as you wish if you feel it is necessary your highness."

"Thank you my love, I swear I'll fulfill my promise on protecting you."

"It is not me I am worried about," Giritin sighed with a fierce look on his face, "When you reject the Kings offer and expose your feelings for me, both our kingdoms will become enemies. I am hardly the golden apple at the Knights table."

"You are far more noble than a knight," Jay assured him, "You are the future king of Fairiosa, and I will have no other man at my side."

"A king?" Giritin asked skeptically, "I am hardly the figurehead your people need."

"Forgive me, but I'll have to disagree with you on that point my love. There is no other wizard more powerful and kind as you, and I must have you by my side for the rest of my days."

"To terrify the rats out of your kingdom?"

"The only rat in need of terrifying, is the King in Drendecile, and I have every intention of taking whomever desires to be free of his reign back to my kingdom."

"How noble of you," Giritin teased, "And how exactly are you planning to do that?"

"I am King of the largest working force that has ever lived," Jay gloated, "If there are more peasants to feed, and workers willing to dedicate their time, I'll have the full support of my people."

"But that also requires safe passage," Giritin countered, "Is that where I come in?"

"Relax Giri," Jay soothed, "I'll give you plenty of power to pull it off.

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