Chapter 8: Stallion my heart

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Giritin could've easily escaped Drendecile, but he had worn himself down with the magic he used on Prince Jay's horse, the parlor tricks he pulled in the kingdom, and his unexpected escape from the kingdom.

Jay was never going to be able to protect Giritin from anything when he was never around to be protected.

Eventually he was worn down on the outskirts of town, tracked, and captured by a few hunters looking for a meal ticket. He didn't blame them though, it was rough to make a living in Drendecile, and the King was paying a hefty sum for his capture.

The old pony pulling the cart of the men who had captured him, entered Giritin's thoughts as he lay there on the verge of death.

"You are the wizard that captures Princess Clover, aren't you?"

"That's me," Giritin breathed out weakly, "And you are the slave of these peasants?"

"All of my life sir," The pony muttered sadly.

Watching the poor animal struggle to pull the shabby cart, Giritin was suddenly struck with an idea.

"It seems you area about to die little horse, how would you like to live out your last days in freedom?"

"That sounds like a dream Mr. Wizard, I don't remember the last time I walked this earth without being jerked around by someone."

"I'd like to help you," Giritin whispered raising his pale fingers, "but in return you must promise me one thing."

"What would you like?"

"Don't let anyone take your freedom," Giritin began, "You will become the most breathtaking creature that has walked this realm, and many will want to possess you, but no matter what you must remain free."

"That sounds like a great deal to me," The pony neighed, "And a beautiful thought. I appreciate your kind words Mr. Wizard but we both know I am beyond my prime."

"You must never doubt your importance my beautiful horse," Giritin complimented aloud, and the two peasants looked back at him confused, "From this moment on, you will forever possess my heart."

The horse began to glow, sending the hunters squirming back in surprise, and it slowly grew in size until it was a dark black stallion with glowing red eyes and a scar over its right eye.

The reigns that once held it back disintegrated into dust, and the two hunters leapt for Giritin's cage.

"You're not going anywhere!" One of them threatened, "We're getting out of here right now."

Giritin looked up at the beautiful creature that was once a small white pony, and he smiled in satisfaction to himself.

"Despite your figure now, never forget who you used to be," Giritin whispered, "You are beautiful my little pony, and nobody will take that away from you."

The horse turned its head to look back at Giritin, its eyes completely concentrated on him.

"This gift you have given me, it is far too great of a burden to bear."

"I will not trust anyone else with my heart but you," Giritin replied as his eyes fluttered closed, "You have carried me at my darkest hour, and now I shall be the one to repay you."

The horse reared its front legs as the rain poured violently from the sky, and Giritin said goodbye to the most important part of his body.

"Goodbye Fiora," Giritin whispered, "Until we meet again."

"Well done swine," One hunter growled, "Now we will deliver you on foot."

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