Chapter 19: Wizard Barrett

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Giritin made his way down the long hall of cells with the queen following closely behind him, and his magic encrusted bones were overwhelmed by the presence of a powerful being.

He wanted to rip the magic out of the strangers veins and drain it for his own wrong doing, but instead he continued to venture closer to it with no threat formulating through him.

Once he was standing in front of it, he was being rammed into the metal bars of the cell, so he shrunk into liquid and allowed the creature of a man take a good look at him.

"Mr. Barrett," Giritin greeted as his body reverted back to normal, "I've heard the rumors about you being locked in confinement."

"Don't play around with me boy," He hissed, "I received word of what you've done to my wife, her forbidden book is in your possession I understand?"

"I assume you are speaking of the witch I nearly killed?" Giritin asked with a sly grin, "Yes her book is in my possession, but I don't see how that has anything to do with you?"

"I want it back," Barrett demanded, "Either by choice or by force. I'll allow you to decide for yourself."

"Not so fast," Giritin replied as he vanished from his fingertips, "I do not make deals with the man who is holding my husband's life captive."

"His heart was mine for the taking," Barrett corrected, "You stole that book from my wife's house, which gives me every right to force it from your hands."

"Be my guest," Giritin challenged, "I can wait here all day."

Barrett tugged against his chains as he casted numerous spells Giritin's way, and they withered into nothing when they came anywhere near the cell bars. After watching his little parlor tricks for a while, Giritin grew bored of watching his struggle, and slid his back down against the wall until he was sitting comfortably on the crummy floors.

"You selfish ingrate!" Barrett yelled angrily, and the Queen cringed from the weight of his words.

She could tell his cell was close to breaking, and she knew she was the first target on the old wizard's list.

"I'll propose an exchange," Giritin offered, "The prince's heart, for your wife's little cookbook here."

"No deal," Barrett growled, "Now give me back the book."

"I'm sure your wife will be thrilled to hear you let her precious spell book slip right through your fingers," Giritin laughed as he returned to his feet, "This way Queen, we'll have to find another way to help your son."

The queen looked resistant to leave, but Giritin dragged her along, knowing there was no way Barrett could pass up such an easy deal.

"Alright, alright!" Barrett yelled after him, "But I need a little more leverage than the book."

"Don't say anything rash Barrett," Giritin warned, "I am lenient, but I am not a fool."

"The child," Barrett proposed, "You will forfeit him to my wife and I."

"What child?" Giritin growled.

"The golden knights younger brother," Barrett replied with a dark smile, "He will be mine for the taking."

Giritin knew the wizard was a fool, he obviously had no idea the vessel Giritin had bestowed in the child when he granted him life.

"Very well," Giritin agreed, "A body for a body."

The two of them sealed the sky with their magical oath, and Barrett handed over Prince Jay's beating heart that bled over his frail hands.

Giritin enveloped it in a magic bubble to ward off any of Barrett's tricks, and the old wizard cursed in pain.

"Well played boy," He complimented irritably, "It's yours for the taking."

Giritin swooped the queen up in his arms and transported them to the Kings corridors so Barrett couldn't track them.

The king of Fairiosa jumped in surprise by the sight of them, and Bethany appeared behind the old man with a sword clutched in her hands.

Now, to some official business," Giritin began placing his dragon on the Kings crowded desk, "This war between the dragon king and Drendecile. Tell me about it and in exchange, I will save your sons life."

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