Chapter 21: Yns POV

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Hey guys I'm back. This is gonna be short bc I wanted to give you guys something so u dont give up on me.



All last night I couldn't sleep nor think straight. All I could think about was the kiss between Jerome and I.

I don't know what that feeling was but I know I felt safe in his arms. And that feeling made me remember him leaving and the events that followed the next year.

My whole life came crumbling down after he left. He was the only friend I had. He meant the world to me and I'm not gonna lie we used to flirt and everything but never went out.

After he left I sat by myself at lunch and wasn't very social at all. That was until I met Sam, Brianna, Eden, and Jasmine.They filled up most of the hole left in my heart.

A year and a half had passed when I met Derrick. He filled that last part of the hole up. He made me laugh an finally become myself again. I fell for him and I fell HARD

But there was something that changed him. He never acted the same and that's when everything took a wrong turn once again. He... No I told myself to never speak or think of what happened between us again. At least not now I'm just not ready.

After the incident happened I stayed away from him. Eventually I just broke up with him and he understood but he never looked me in the eye.

And now here I am in a relationship but Im contemplating my feelings for someone that I haven't seen in 3 years.

What's wrong with me. Everything about my life is complicated.

Why is everything with you so Complicated

Why do you make it hard to love you oh I hate it.

I turned my alarm off and groggily got up from my bed. "Get another complicated day..." (Note the sarcasm) I said to myself.


So sorry I've taken so long to post this short crappy chapter but I've been really busy with school and hw and doctor appointments and stuff.

Ill try to keep my stories updated as well as possible but no promises.

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That Special Someone (a Jaden smith love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें