Chapter 26: Derrick's POV

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Derricks POV

Where is yn?

You know how when you are at the mall and your friend has to go to the bathroom so you are just awkwardly standing outside the restroom looking like a loner...?

yeah that's how I feel right now.

Maybe that's why girls go to the toilets together... I'm not even gonna get started on the mysteries of girls..

I felt this weird feeling in my stomach but just shrugged it off and like to see what time it was on my phone. When I looked back up I saw Yn pushing her way through the food court with....


My heart skipped a beat and the stomach feeling came back.

You sound like such a girl right now

Oh Shut up

You first

No y- why am I even arguing with myself

I guess I was so wrapped up in arguing with myself because in the next second someone tripped and fell into me. Without thinking or any hesitation I wrapped my arms around their waist to help them steady themselves.

I looked down at the person in my arms and find myself at a loss for words, because in my arms is the amazingly beautiful Sydnee.

Someone whispered something on the lines of "good luck and don't you dare give up." but I was to hypnotized by Sydnee to make it out.

Her eyes held so much sadness and hopelessness, emotions I've seem to many times before. A single tear escapes her eyes and cascades down her cheek. I wipe the tear away from her eye and quickly pull her into my embrace. Surprisingly after a few seconds she relaxes and falls against my chest.

"I'm so sorry..." I mumbled into her hair as her soft cries turn into soft breathing.

I didn't mean to or ever want to get anyone hurt.

Sydnee slightly pulled away from me and whispering "I know. I am too."

"For what?"

"For-for not listening to what you had to say. I want you to know that I am all ears, I will let you explain." Sydnee said as another tear fell down her cheek.

I kissed the tear away debating whether or not it was safe enough to tell her.

"I- um.... Ok just give me some time. It's a lot to explain and I feel like I should explain it to Yn either before or as the same time as you."

She looked hesitant but after I couple seconds she answered.

Sydnee's POV

I knew in the back of my head that he could be lying but something in his eyes and this feeling in my stomach made me give him a chance.

" I understand."

He let out a sigh. "Thank you. Now how about we go get some food somewhere, anywhere you'd like."

My eyes lit up as I stared at him. I could tell he knew what I was going to say by the small smile he had. "TCBY!!!"

"I don't know.."

"Please, please, pleeaaasssssssssss-"

He chuckled lightly and kissed the top of my head. "Come on there's one across the street I think. "

"Yeaahhh budddyyyy!"

I fits pumped the air resulting in a lot of stares. I brushed them off and began pulling Derrick excitedly out of the mall.


Once we got there we got the frozen yogurt and yes he paid for it. He knows how to win me over.

Free frozen yogurt

We were walking out of TCBY to go sit outside when I saw Yn. She was talking to this really cute boy, laughing. She looked better than the other day and that's the only thing that matters right now.

What if she sees me with Derrick?! I haven't talked to her about this yet... that'll have to be the first thing we talk about when I talk to her.

That's when I saw Yns walls come tumbling down. Jaden was right behind her and the look on her face showed so many emotion that I have only seen when....

No. He didn't. Jaden wouldn't dare..

I handed my frozen yogurt to Derrick and began sprinting toward them already knowing what was to happen next. That's when she ran. Jaden started to run after her but I caught up to him and turned him around.

Jaden's POV

I been so worried about Yn. I never wanted to hurt her but I had to... For her sake. But I can't think about those things right now, I'm not ready to.

I've been walking around trying to look for answers, for way to fix this but still protect her.

I keep on seeing her face in my dreams, tears streaming down her face. Put then I always hear her giggles and constantly think about her smile.

There's that giggle again. I looked up from my feet and saw Yn a little far away at TCBY. Without thinking I walked over to her.


I saw her stiffen and turn around. Her eyes broke my heart. To know I'm the cause of that. She whispered something to the guy she was sitting with before she got up and ran.

I turned to run after her but was forcefully turned around by someone.


I turned around and saw a very pissed off Sydnee.I realized she had smacked me but I felt nothing.

"I don't know what you did exactly but if you did something to hurt her I will come and find you. I will make regret the day you moved here."

And then she ran after Yn.

"He made you do it didn't he?"

I turned to see Derrick. "Yeah.." my voice came out unsteady

"Me too. "

That's when I saw the boy Yn was with get up and leave. He looked so familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen him before but I had an unsettling feeling about him.


Hey guys!!!👋👋👋👋

I really liked writing this in Derricks and Sydnees POV. It was hard but fun.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. But here you go.

Thank the weather.



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