Chapter Five

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Edward's POV

I can't believe that my Bella is with someone else and has a kid. I'm gonna do what she did and get over it. I can always find my true mate. I'm thinking maybe Tanya is my mate, but it doesn't feel like it. As long as Bella is happy I'm happy. I just really wish that I was with Bella right now, with her in my arms.

Emmet's POV

I can't believe that my little sister has a kid and has an imprint. Nessie is so adorable, I'm gonna ask Bella if it is OK if she can call me Uncle Emmy or something that I can still be in my life.

Bella's POV

I got a phone call from Emmet asking if he could be like an Uncle type figure to Nessie. I said that it was OK and I would love for them to be in her life.

I was watching Nessie playing with Paul on the floor. Then the phone started ringing so I went and got it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Bella? It's Charlie. I need to tell you something." My Dad said from the other line.

"Ok, Dad. What is it?" I questioned my Dad a little worried.

"It's about your family history. Your older brother is in town and is coming to visit me and I want you guys to meet." My Dad said "Also, he is a Vampire and yes I know about you being a werewolf." I was shocked when he said that. I have a brother who's a Vampire and he knows about supernatural.

"Wow, just one question. How am I a werewolf and him a Vampire?" I asked him wondering how that's possible.

"I'm a werewolf and your mother was a Vampire. We gave you my blood so you would be a wolf and your brother his Mom's blood so he would be a Vampire." My father replied. I was just soaking this all in together.

"Ok, so when do you want me to come down and meet him? Do you want me to bring Nessie and Paul or not?" I questioned my Dad wondering if they should meet him too.

"Yes, but just bring Nessie and not Paul. I don't know how he will act around your brother. Come down around one today." My father said nicely.

"Ok, I'll be there and I understand. I'll explain to him. Love you." I replied to my Dad.

"Ok, bye. Love you too." With that he hung up the phone. Wow that was a lot to take in.

"Hey Paul, I'm going to my Dad's and bringing Nessie. He wants me to meet my brother and he's a Vampire. He's also doesn't want you to come quite yet." I told him.

"Ok, I understand and wow a Vampire for a brother wow. I'll leave you to get ready cause I have patrol." Paul told me after all that I said. With that he left after giving us a both a kiss on the cheek.

I then grabbed Nessie and changed her into a minion onsie and a blue and yellow poka-dotted pants and a minion pasi. I then put her in her carrier and went outside and went into the woods. I ran the whole way to my dad's house.

When I got there a car was parked outside, so I guessed I was late.

"Dad, I'm here!" I yelled when I walked in the door. I walked into the living room and gasped when I saw who was my brother was. "Emmet, your my brother?".

" Bella? Nessie? You guys are my sister and niece? Wow, I never saw this coming. "Emmet replied. I never saw this coming. Did he always know this or just figure this out?


Please Enjoy!! Sorry some of them have been so short!! I decided to shake things up a bit!!! Thanks for reading!!!

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