Chapter Thirteen

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Sam's POV (ooo it's Sam's POV!)

Bella and my brother just stood, staring deep into each other's eyes. They seemed to be speaking to each other, just through the emotions in there eyes. Yes, it is possible because they do it all the time. I could never figure out how they did it though.

The flame that they had thought died long ago was burning now and I could see it. I know they will try and denie it, they know it too. Bella looked away suddenly, crossing her arms.

"So, how's life treating you Bells?" I asked, breathing the dense air. Bella's head snapped up towards mine and smiled.

"It's been good. I turned into a werewolf, had a kid, got married, had twins, and now a psychopath's cousin is trying to kill me after we killed her cousin, so I guess my life is ok." Bella shrugged, flipping her long brown hair over her shoulder. Jealousy went through Dean's eyes. Anger went through his eyes at the last part. But he didn't say anything. My eyes widen.

"Who is it?!" I questioned, my protectiveness over Bella taking over. I can't help it, she's like a little sister to me. Bella giggled, shaking her head at me.

"A dead cold one's cousin. She wants revenge." Bella explained. I nodded. Then it clicked.

"That's why you called!" Isabella laughed at me. Gosh, I've missed her so much.

"Mommy?!" A child's voice suddenly called out, breaking the silence. Bella spun around, a smile on her face. A little girl stood behind her, about two, with hazel eyes and brown hair like Bella's with bronze tints. Her skin was pale.

"Hi baby. Is something wrong?" Bella asked softly, bending down in front of the little girl. The child shook her head before glancing up at Dean and I.
"Is dat dem?!" I was confused. What is she talking about? I know it's about Dean and I, but about what? Bella laughed but nodded.

"Yes, now go get your brother and sister for me." The little girl ran off, only to return with two other children. A boy and a girl.

The boy was the same age as the first girl and looked very similar to her. Ah, must be twins. He had green eyes though but still had he brown hair with bronze tints in it also.

The other girl seemed to be the oldest, at least four. She had dark skin, brown hair and eyes.

"Kids, I want you to meet some very close friends of mine. Their names are Sam and Dean Winchester. Guys, these are my children Anily, Reneesme, and Edward Jacob, EJ for short." Bella introduced us, looking at her kids with a smile. Anily was the oldest and the other two were the twins. Huh, what uquine names. I bent down to their level, a big smile on my face.

"Hi kids. I'm Sam Winchester and that's my brother Dean."

After a few minutes, Bella ushered us inside. She put her kids to bed before joining us back downstairs. Bells plopped down on the couch with a heavy sigh. Dean seemed like he couldn't take it anymore.

"Why Bells? Why?" Bella froze. It was the same question that I had been wondering for years. And now here we are, sitting in front of Bella. Bella knew exactly what Dean was talking about.

"I had no choice. I had to protect you guys." Bella explained. But that was it. That was all she said. I scoffed, along with Dean.

"We can take care of ourselves. Protect us from what?" Dean asked, sitting up in his seat. A sigh escaped Bells lips.

"From an army of Demons who wanted to kill me. I eventually sent them straight into a trap and they are gone now." I raised an eyebrow. It didn't all make sense but it was true. At the time, there was some Demons after her. I just didn't know a whole army.

"Why didn't you at least call to text or even leave a note!?" Dean questioned, throwing his hands in the air.

"Because I didn't want them to find out about you guys then hurt you! I was trying to keep you two safe!" Bella paused, taking in a deep breath. "I wanted to leave a note, a message, or even a hint. But I was running out of time. Dean, I never wanted to leave you. I thought about you twenty-four seven. I have always loved you and I still do."

Dean took in a deep breath, staring intently into Bella's eyes. Right then and there, I knew that it was almost final. Whoever is married to Bella or has her now, is possibly out of the picture. It's going to take alot for Bella to love her husband the same ever again. It's Dean and Bella now. That old flame is burning and it isn't going to plan on dieing out anytime soon.

I feel a war coming on. A love between new and old love.

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