Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning, I sat in my room the door locked. I didn't want to face anyone, at least not yet. So many thoughts were running through my head and I couldn't grasp onto just one. Downstairs, I could hear E.J. asking Sam where I am and why I'm not down here.

A sigh escaped my lips. I didn't know how to feel. I just found out that my 'mate' is not actually my mate. But he's still the father of my children, which means I will still have to interact with him. I just can't believe that him and Alice, my best friend, were doing it behind my back. I knew that giggle sounded familiar last night and now I know why.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. "Bells, it's me, Dean. Can I come in or do I need to break the door down?" I rolled my eyes but a smile found it's way onto my face anyway. I stood up out of the plush chair and made my way to the door. My hand gripped the doorknob after I unlocked it and Dean pushed the door open before I could even back away. "Your kids are worried about you and so are Sammy and I." Dean said, standing in front of me with his arms crossed. I sighed, sitting down on my bed. Dean sat beside me, taking my hand in his.

"I just can't stop thinking about last night. And how it will affect the children." I replied truthfully, finally looking up the hunter. Dean sighed, stroking my face with his finger.

"That sparkling disco ball isn't worth your thoughts. He chose to do what he did. And as for those children, you should talk to them and see what they think." Dean actually sounded serious, for once in his life. I nodded, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. But Dean, being the cheeky person he is, decided to move his head so that my lips landed on his.

I froze. My body froze. My mind froze. I could feel that fire between us growing by the second, the fire that was brunt out long ago. I stared into Dean's green eyes, the ones who held mischief and love. My mind was spinning.

Do I still love Dean? Am I ready to move on for Edward? Do I want this? Of course I do, I'm no idiot. It may seem like I'm moving to fast but to be truthful, I haven't been seeing that spark with Edward and I from when I first saw him. When I'm with Dean, I feel different. I feel free and careless. But when I'm with Edward, I'm the mother of his children and his 'mate'. But, that changes today.

I gave into my feelings and kissed Dean with so much passion. Dean was surprised at first but he soon snapped out of it and kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his went around my waist. If it was possible, I could melt into a puddle right now. His soft lips against mine in a passionate kiss.
The flame that died out years ago is now burning and it isn't ever going to die out. I can feel the heat of the flame against our lips, encouraging us.

I pulled away, breathless. Dean leaned his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes, searching for any regret.
"I don't regret anything." Dean smiled, a smile I haven't seen in a very long time.

"I love you, Isabella Swan." I couldn't help but giggle. He forgot already that I was still married to that sparkling disco ball.

"And I love you, Dean Winchester." Dean captured my lips with his, making me giggle.

"Finally. It took you two long enough." The voice of Dean's little brother said suddenly, making me jump away from Dean. I looked over at the doorway and saw a smirking Sam. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully.

"Care to explain why you are interrupting time with my girl?" Dean asked his brother, wrapping his strong arm around my waist. Sam chuckled.

"The kids are wondering were Bells is at and won't eat until they see her." Sam told us, making Dean groan. I giggled, looking behind me at Dean. I pecked his lips before getting out of his hold.

"You two, Dean and I's relationship stays between us until the others get here and explain."

"Not the children?" Sam questioned, raising a brown eyebrow. I nodded before moving past him. I jogged down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen, hearing my children talk quietly.

"So, I hear you three aren't eating breakfast like you're supposed to?" I questioned playfully, leaning against the door frame. Three heads snap up to, followed by three squeals. My children ran at my, catching my by my legs. If I was human, I would've definitely fell over. "Hi babies."

"Mommy, where were you?" Nessie asked, looking up at me, her hazel eyes full of curiosity.

"Mommy was just taking some time to think. Now come on, time to eat." I told them, patting Anily on the back. They all pouted but went back to their seats. "Ok babies, I've got a question." I paused, waiting for them to give me the go. "How would you feel if Mommy and Daddy spilt apart?"

Anily tilted her head to the side. "Wolfie Daddy or Eddie Daddy?" My oldest daughter questioned.

"Edward." I answered. But Anily continued to look at my confused. I laughed, shaking my head at her. She acts so much like Paul sometimes. "Eddie Daddy." Anily made an 'O' shape with her mouth.

"You leaving Daddy?" E.J. asked, his eyes wide. I sighed, leaning against the kitchen island.

"Sort of honey. Daddy did something that hurt Mommy, so Mommy isn't staying with Daddy anymore. Now -" I was cut off by Nessie before I could ask the more serious question.

"We stay wif Mommy." Nessie announced proudly, crossing her arms over her chest. I couldn't help but smile.

"Are you sure? If you want to stay with Daddy, just tell me and I will call him." I told them, the smile dropping from my face.

"We stay, Mommy." Anily told me, the other two nodding afterwards. Their faces we're leaving no doom for agruement, so I sighed.

"Call Daddy now?" E.J. asked, his green eyes shining. I raised an eyebrow.

"How about we call him when Aunt Rosie, Uncle Em, and Uncle Jazz all get here, so they can hear the conversation. How does that sound?"

The three kids cheered. "Yes, yes, yes!!" I laughed, shaking my head at my three goofy children.

"They really love you." Dean said from beside me, making me jump. I looked over at him, smiling. Secretly, I dropped my hand and slipped it into his. Leaning slightly against him, I lightly squeezed his hand as we watched my children celebrate.

"And hopefully they love you just as much one day." I whispered, quickly kissing his cheek. A shocked look came over his face before a smile replaced it.

"That'll be one of the best days of my life. Right after I marry you and start a family together." Dean whispered back, making my eyes widen.

"I'd like that, Mr. Winchester."

"I sure hope so, hopefully soon-to-be Mrs. Winchester."

Soooooo, it's been awhile, since 2017 and it's currently 2018. Anyway, I really hope you are enjoying watching Bella and Dean's relationship build up again. Sorry to all you Team Edward fans. But it should make sense over time, hopefully.

Just be prepared for a blast from the past.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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