Chapter Fourteen

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Bella's POV

I saw the look in Sam's eyes. He knows what's going to happen. He always does. I hate when Sam is right. Right as Sam went to open his mouth , the phone rang. I got up and made my way to the kitchen, where I had left my phone.

Edward ran across the screen and a small smile formed on my lips. I clicked accept and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hey babe." I said, leaning against the counter. I heard two pairs footsteps and then Sam and Dean walked into the kitchen. I made the 'be quiet' motion with my figure to my lips and they nodded.

"Hello love. How is everything going?" Edward asked, sounding very happy. I heard quiet giggling in the background followed by shushing. I raised an eyebrow but chose not to say anything.

"Everything is going good. I just put the kids to bed." I replied, twirling a piece of my hair around my finger. Edward hummed. "Oh! And I called some friends of mine and they said that they were willing to help. They are here with me now." Edward sighed.

"Bella, you know that humans are nothing against vampires." I nearly rolled my eyes at that.

"Edward, my friends are hunters. And I know for a fact that they can kill a cold one by themselves." Edward let out a quiet scoff.

"Hunters aren't real." Now I rolled my eyes.

"And vampires and werewolves aren't supposed to be real either. But guess what, they are and so are hunters." Edward was quiet and suddenly the giggling started up again.

"Well love, I've got to go, Carlisle needs me. I will talk to you tomorrow, love you." Edward said, his voice gruff. My eyebrows furrowed together. The lie was obvious.

"Ok, love you too." And then he hung up the phone. "What the heck?" I mumbled to myself. He has never acted like that before. This got the attention of Dean and Sam.

"Is everything alright Bells?" Dean asked from his spot at the dining room table. I shook my head.

"I don't know but I have a feeling that I'm about to find out." I replied. Dean nodded but there was an emotion in his eyes that I had seen before but I couldn't place it. At the exact moment, my phone rang again. I looked at my phone again as Rosalie ran across the screen. My eyebrows furrowed together. Why the heck is Rosalie calling him? I mean, yah we grew closer when I was pregnant with the twins but still.

"Rose, hey. What's up?" I asked. Rose was quiet and I heard the wind swooshing in the background. They must be running. But why? "Rose." My voice was low and sounded worried. Dean was fidgeting in his seat, like he was trying not to come and comfort me.

"Bella." Rose's voice said quietly and slowly. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God Rose, you scared me. Is something wrong?"

Rose ignored my question. "Have you talked to Edward lately?" She questioned. I could hear Emmet in the background.

I nodded slowly before remembering she couldn't see me. "Yah, I just got off the phone with him. Why? Is something wrong?"

Rose sighed. "I'm going to put you on speaker, Emmet is here."

"Emmet, Rosalie, what the heck is going on?" The pair sighed. I can just imgaine Rose rubbing her temples.

"Bella, there's something that we should've told you a long time ago." Emmet told me, his voice full of remorse and regret. Now I'm curious, scared, confused, and anxious.

"What is it?! Em, Rose, you're freaking me out." I replied. Emmet took in a deep breath.

"Bells, Edward isn't your mate." My breath was caught in my throat. My body froze.

"Yes he is." I said right away.

"No Bella, he isn't. Did you hear giggling in the background when talking to Edward? Did he seem distant? Did he lie?" Rose shot question after question. I couldn't get my emotions under control. I didn't know what to feel at the moment.

How the heck did they know all that and they aren't even here with me?!

"How did you know that?!" I growled out. I didn't hear them wince or flinch. They must've execpted it.

"Bella, I hate to be the one to say this, but Edward isn't your mate at all. He had a witch use a spell that made you think that. He was just using you." The voice of my other brother, Jasper, said. I was surprised. He knew too. They all knew and didn't tell me!

Fresh, hot tears ran down my face at a rapid pace. I could tell that they weren't lying to me. "Then who is it?" I whispered, leaning against the counter.

"Alice." Jasper whispered back, his voice full of sadness and grief. My eyes widen, even though I was crying.

I can't believe it. My best friend is Edward's mate. I can't believe either of them. Oh my god! Jasper!

"Oh my God, Jasper..." I said, the tears seeming to come even faster if possible. I don't think that Dean could just sit there anymore because he clenched his fists and then stood up, storming over to me. I just stood there, letting him wrap his arms around me.

"It's ok, I'm here for you." Dean told me, kissing my forehead. And this time, I believed him. I let him hold me, almost forgetting that I was still on the phone.

"Bella, we are coming up to Maine. The others don't know that we are coming or that we told you. And, we have more to tell you when we get there. You'll never believe us unless we tell you in person." Rose told me.

"Alright, see you guys here soon. Oh, and I have two friends of mine here. They're hunters." I swear I heard the trio let out a sigh of relief.

"Good. Put them on speaker please." I did so, a little confused as to why she wants to talk to them. "Alright hunters. I'm sure that Bella has informed you a little of what is going on. But there is so much more that she doesn't even know about. Now, promise me that you will keep an eye on her. Don't ever let her out of your sight, never."

Dean smiled down at me. "We promise." Dean told her.

"Ok, thank you. Oh, and Bella. Don't open the door for anyone or go out of the house until we get there. It's not safe." Rose told me, more like demanded.

"I promise. Just please be safe and get here quick." I replied. I swear Rose is smiling right now.

"I promise. Now, I have to go. We'll be there in about a day or so. I'll call if something comes up. Be safe, love you."

"We will. Love you too, bye."

I hung up, placing my phone on the counter. A sigh escaped from my mouth. Dean planted a kiss to my forehead.

"We'll make it through this, I promise." Dean whispered in my ear. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam watching us with a smile.

"We will, all of us." I told him.

From that moment on, I knew that one thing was for sure.

Edward Cullen was a douchebag and I would hate him for the rest of my life.

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