Chapter Twelve

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Bella's POV

I paced my room, so many thoughts running through my head. I'm beginning to wonder if I should've called Dean. Maybe him and Sam being here isn't going to be a good thing.. I wasn't completely honest when I told Edward of my life before Forks.

I was attacked by a ghoul when I was sixteen. Dean and Sam saved me before it killed me. They then taught me how to defend myself and I soon became a hunter. I was one of the best, since I was taught by the best.

"Mommy?" My little girls voice called out. I turned towards her and smiled. It was Nessie.

"Yes baby?" I bend down in front of her, pushing her messy curls out of her face.

"Wat rong?" I smile and shake my head.

"Nothing's wrong honey. It's just that some people that are very important to me are coming to help us." I explain to her the best I can. Nessie nodded and then EJ and Anily walked in rubbing there eyes.

"Who's that?" Anily asked, wrapping her arms around my leg. I giggled and picked them all up, going downstairs.

"Their names are Dean and Sam Winchester. They saved mommy a long time ago from a bad guy." I reached up and took down some stuff to make supper. Once the kids ate, I sent Anily up with the twins to pick out PJs for tonight. I started a bath and waited for it to fill up.

"Kids, the bath is ready!" Next thing I know I hear three light footsteps running this way. I threw my head back and laughed. They all ran in without any clothes on, completely naked. I laughed even harder, putting them in the tub. I cleaned them all up and then dried them off, dressing them in there PJs.

"Alright, go down and pick out a movie." I told them, making them speed walk downstairs. I drained the tub and cleaned everything else up. Walking down the glass stairs, I heard the kids arguing over which movie to watch.

"Mommy! Me wanna wath dis!" EJ exclaimed, jumping up and down holding Finding Nemo. Nessie wants Beauty and the Beast. Anily wants a Barbie Princess movie.

"Ok, how about we watch all of them, starting with Anily's first, then EJ, then Nessie." I finally got them to settle down with some popcorn, drinks, blankets, and some junk food. I sat on the couch in between them and Anily crawled into my lap, happily drinking her apple juice.

When the movie was halfway finished, the doorbell rang multiple times. I froze, not knowing what to expect when I opened it. I slowly got up, placing Anily back onto the couch. "I'll be back, stay here." Anily bobbed her head and turned her attention back to the movie. I walked over to the door, taking my sweet time. I had so many thoughts running through my head. It could either be my family, Olivia, or Sam and Dean. I really hope it isn't Olivia.

Taking a deep breath, my hand reach's out and grabs the doorknob, turning it slowly. I pulled the door open and no one was there. I went to shut the door when I saw the familiar black impala sitting in the driveway. I grinned, so many great memories coming to mind.

I walk outside, shutting the door behind me. The impala hadn't changed one bit. I remember that I always had to ride in the back and Dean wouldn't let me run the music we listened to. And there they stood, leaning against the impala.

Sam hadn't changed at all. His brown hair grew longer and he might've gotten taller or I just got shorter. His brown eyes still held mischief as they always did. I smiled at him and he returned it.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey Bells." And then I looked at the guy I used to love.

Dean Winchester. The man I used to call mine. The man I used to cuddle with. The man who loved me for me. The man who was mine.

It was like something in the atmosphere changed. The bond between us is rebuilding each millisecond. All the broken pieces are being rebuild. I just don't know what our bond is anymore.

"Dean." I said, sounding breathless.

"Bella." Dean replied, sounding just as breathless. Something was about to change and it would change everyone's fate forever.

Hi everyone! I am so so so so so very sorry for not updating for a year! After lots of trying, I got this account to work again and I decided to update! Once again, I'm so sorry! Please enjoy!

Bella The WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora