Chapter 2: Lucy's Hero

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"There's only one magic shop in town?!" I gasped at the store owner. He nodded.

"Yes. Most people in this town don't even use magic." He replied.

"Gosh..." I glanced around the store, flipping my blonde hair out of my face. Then something caught my eye. "OH MY GOSH!!! IT'S A WHITE DOGGIE!!" I saw a silver key in a glass case with a dog on the front.

"Are you sure you don't want a STRONG key?" The store owner asked me. I shook my head.

"Yah, but I've always wanted one. How much?"

"20,000 Grand Jewls." He answered.

"No, i mean how much?"

"Like I said, 20 J."

"How much are they REALLY worth?" I said again, showing my cleavage.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE HE ONLY DROPPED THE PRICE TO 1,000 J!!" I yelled, storming out of the shop. "IS MY SEX APPEAL ONLY WORTH 1,000 GEMS???" I kicked a sign. Then I felt a small tap on my shoulder. "Hmm?" A teenage looking girl with rough pink hair and yellow eyes looked at me.

"You were wanting to by this, right?" She handed me the dog key I saw in the shop.


"Here. Take it! I felt bad that you couldn't by it. Here." She shoved it to me. I hugged her and took the key.

"Thank you so much!! What's your name? I'm Lucy Heartfillia."

"Hisui. And you're welcome Lucy!" Then a crowd of girls ran past us.

"What's going on?" I followed them with Hisui behind me.

"I can't believe that a famous wizard has come to our town!" One girl squeeled.

"Salamander, the fire dragon!" Another cried. Hisui's face lit up.

"Salamander?" She whispered. I guess she wasn't paying attention, cause she gasped when I dragged her towards the crowd. When we made it through, the happy look on Hisui's face faded. A man with slick hair and a bold fashion waved to the crowd. My heart started racing. What's come over me? Then he smiled at me. Aaahhh... what's happening... am I falling in...

"IGNEEL!!" A voice yelled. Then everything I had just felt disappeared. His hair was every direction. And PINK. Then he said: "Who are YOU?!"

"If I said Salamander... would that ring any bells to you?" The wizard asked. The kid just walked away in sadness. Some of the girls started to beat him up. Hisui just rolled her eyes.

"Pitiful." Was all she said before crossing her arms. I looked at her.

"You ok?"

"Pff! No! I hate guys like that doof of a wizard! Can't you tell what he's doing?" I just stared. The man left, with the group of girls departing. Hisui's expression didnt change. Her arms stayed crossed over her black and blue belly shirt. Her matching mini skirt was still. A scale designed headband kept her hair out of her face.

"I saw. I'll be right back." I walked towards the kid with the pink hair. "Hey." He looked up. "Thanks for what you did back there!" I smiled. He looked confused.


"Slow down you guys! You don't have to inhale everything!! Take your time, really!" I decided to thank Natsu, (he told me his name) by taking him to lunch. Hisui sat beside me, looking at Natsu the hole time. What's with her? As Natsu ate, I talked about myself. Hisui joined in when I brought up that Salamander guy.

"I can't believe that creep! Using charms on innocent girls like that? Talk about no class!" Hisui huffed.

"And to think, that kind of magic was banned for years!" I added. "So what brings you two into town?" I asked Natsu and the cat, who said his name was "Happy".

"We're looking for someone." Happy answered.

"Is that who's name you were calling, 'Igneel'? Maybe I can help you look for him? What's he look like?" Natsu and Happy looked at each other.

"Igneel's not a person. He's a dragon." Natsu shocked me.


"Well, I guess you're right." Natsu said. Hisui and I just sighed.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys! You ready Lucy?" Hisui nervously stood up. I shrugged.

"I guess. Again, thanks for what you did back there." I joined Hisui and we started to walk out... when Natsu and Happy started yelling.

"THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!" Natsu cried.

"AYE!!" was all Happy said.

"Now now, come on guys, stop embarrassing us! You don't have to thank me!" Natsu tried giving me Salamander's autograph, but I turned it down. Hisui and I sat in the park after we left Natsu and Happy.

"Who's that girl? She's really pretty." Hisui pointed at a poster in the magazine we were reading.

"That's Mirajane of Fairy Tail! Oh how I wish to be like her!" I replied.

"Fairy Tail doesn't sound like a nice guild... look at all the stuff they did! Tearing apart seven houses in one day! That's pathetic, and wrong." Hisui hissed.

"Hey, what was up with all the staring at Natsu? You like him or something?" I felt like she was needing to talk about something. Might as well ask. "Now that I think about it, you and Natsu kinda look alike!"

"Yah... that's because we-" She was cut off by Salamander, coming out of the bushes.

"So... you are into the Fairy Tail guild, huh?" We both jumped to our feet. "No need to fear me, I just wanted to make sure two beautiful ladies were coming to my party tonight!"

"As if! You double crossing-" Hisui charged at Salamander, but I held her back.

"Have you ever heard of... Salamander of Fairy Tail?" That rings a bell.

"You mean YOU'RE Salamander of Fairy Tail?!?" I gasped. He nodded.

"That's right! And I can ask the master if I can squeeze the both of you in... if the feisty one wants to join." He looked at Hisui.

"Oh, I'm joining all right! Just to kick your sorry butt." She muttered that last part.

"Okay, see you at my yhat!" And with that, he walked away.

"That baka! Does he really think I'll join Fairy Tail, just for the likes of his stupid face?!" Hisui huffed and turned away.

"Hey Hisui, calm down! Why don't you come with me? We can get dressed up for the party..." I suggested. She smiled.

"Ok. Let's go. But if me tries any dirty moves on me, I'm slapping him." She whispered. I laughed and we walked out of the park.

Sorry if the text has some left out info, kinda lazy and I'm up real late. I promise I'll update soon! Might be later than I thought, seeing how I have team pictures tomorrow, then I have a tennis match tomorrow, and wendsday, AND Thursday! Talk about a busy week!

How do you like it so far?



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