Our Ending

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I left to find Lucy. I had to apologize to her.

I found her sitting under a tree by a lake. I quietly sat beside her. We didn't speak a word. Until I finally did.

"Uh... this is a pretty lake... huh?" I mentally slapped myself. Pretty lake?? God Hisui, you're such a moron!

"Yeah. It is." Lucy replied. I turned to face her.

"...Lucy. I just wanted to apologize for what I said. That was completely uncalled for, and I never should have said that." There were a few more moments of silence, before Lucy looked at me.

"I need to apologize too. I shouldn't have done what I did. I forgive you." Lucy gave me a hug, which I returned.

"Now uh, if you don't mind... I'd like it if we went back to the guild... and fast. I'm afraid Natsu has already killed Kenichi...

*and so...*

"Come on Hisui!! One more push!!" Mira ordered at me. I had been in labor with this child for SIXTEEN HOURS. I'm fucking ripping off Kenichi's head when I'm done.

I screeched in pain, then sighed in massive relief. Mira held up a squirming bundle in a white blanket.

"Congratulations Hisui... it's a boy." I was about to cry, at how beautiful he was, when another pain tore through me.

"The hell-?!"

"Oh! Looks like you aren't done Hisui!"


"Congrats Hisui! It's another boy!" I finally leaned back, knowing I was FINALLY done. Kenichi and Natsu burst into the room as I smiled at the two morons. Kenichi was immediately at my side, showering me in kisses.

"H-Hisui... are you Okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Ken, the babies are fine." I smiled. He paled, blinking at me.

"B-babies? As in... more than one?" Natsu growled, as he glared at Kenichi.

"I'm going to kill you." He hissed.

"No Natsu! Not before you meet your nephews!" Lucy entered the room, wobbling a bit, as she was expecting her own mini Natsu in three months. Mira carried over two bundles in blue blankets. As she gently put one in my arms, I noticed how he had black hair, with small amounts of pink streaks in it. His skin was a little lighter than mine, but his voice was powerful. I drifted my eyes over to the second baby. His hair was that same constant pink, but with one large chunk of his hair being black, like his father's.

"Hisui... you did an amazing job... they're beautiful." Lucy commented.

"Aye! What are you gonna name them?" Happy asked as he fluttered into the room. I looked between the baby boys, and smiled.

"Sun and Moon. Their names are Sun and Moon."


As I watched the five year old Sun and Moon play with their cousin, Nashi, and Gray's daughter, little three year old Luna, I couldn't help but smile.

All my life, everything had always ended up horribly. But ever since I had joined Fairy Tail, things had only gotten brighter.

Igneel had told me something once.

Flames don't always mean destruction. They mean light, and warmth. And in some cases, peace.

I finally know what he means by that.

By opening a new chapter in my life, I allowed my flames to grow brighter.

Now, I'm ready to blow out the flames of this story....

And start a brand new book. With the light, and love, in my new flames. 

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