Story Special!!!! Part 2

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After this chapter, Keninchi will be a part of the story. Just a heads up!


"Kori is right behind you." Keninchi whispered. A slow, long chill went down my spine.

"He is?" I went to look behind me, but Keninchi turned my head back around.

"When we spin around, look then. Don't make it to obvious."

"Thanks." We stayed quiet until I was able to get a good look at Kori. He was everything Keninchi had described. Scar and eveything. "How do we get you out of here?" I asked.

"At the end of the ball, take me up to my room. Wait a few minutes before leaving. He wishes to take me out then."

"Right. First, let's distance ourselves away from-" before I count finish, there was a huge crash, and a burst of flames from the west side of the room came to view. I facepalmed and groaned. Natsu...

"What was that?!" Keninchi pulled me close to him. I squeeled in my head.

"Probably my idiot brother. Come on, let's go find him." I took his hand and went to where the fire was. Gray and Natsu were glaring at eachother and Erza was eating cake. Mostly everyone had fled so it was just us. There wasn't any sign of Kori. I let go of Keninchi's hand and took a deep breath. "NATSU DRAGNEEL!! GRAY FULLBUSTER!!!! ERZA SCARLET!!! GET YOUR HIND QUARTERS OVER HERE BEFORE I RIP ALL OF YOUR EYEBROWS OFF AND FEED THEM TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!" I yelled. Everything seemed to freeze. Those three dim wits ran to me, Natsu looking the most frightened.

"Y-yeah, Hisui?" Gray studdered. I glared at them.

"Can you explain to me what happened?" I asked, annoyed.

"I was eating, and ice cream princess took my food, so I decided to fight him to get it back. But I slipped on his gay ice and I cought the table cloth on fire and I guess it just spread." Natsu explained, rubbing the back of his neck. I clutched the bridge of my nose.

"Gray, why didn't you just give it back?!" I asked.

"Because Natsu burned my tie."


"He ate my food!!"

"You burned my tie after it took me three hours to fix!!"

"Why didn't you do anything Erza?!"

"Because I was eating cake! You never mess with my strawberry cake!"


"Don't be upset Hisui. Things like this happen. If he sends me another threat note, I'll just call for you again. Okay?" He looked me in the eyes. I just pulled away from him, starting for the door.

"No. It's okay. You can call someone else next time. Because I'm not good enough to do anything."

"Hisui!" Natsu ran after me. He stopped me in the hallway while I was crying. "I'm sorry! I made you dress up like this for nothing, I cought the table cloth on fire, and we lost Kori. I'm sorry Hisui. Can you forgive me?" He hugged me. I didn't say a word because he didn't smell right. Natsu usually smells like burnt wood. This man smells like cigarette smoke. Then I looked into his eyes. They were blue.

"You're not Natsu..." I brought fire to my hands. "You're Kori." The man smiled deviously and showed his form. His eyes went from blue to a dark red.

"Well, it seemed you've noticed. Not that it wouldn't suprise me. I wanted to see if you weren't as dumb as you looked." He smirked and his hands were covered in dark magic.

"As you can see, I'm not dumb." I tore my skirt odd to reveal my shorts. I ripped the sleeves off and undid my hair. "Ahh... that's better. Now, I'm only here because I was ordered to protect Keninchi. Why are you here?"

"To get rid of the heir of the Niwa family. And if I do, I'll become a master assassin. And when I take out a dragon slayer... I'll become a legend. So be a good girl and let me kill you." His eyes became a darker red, almost like a demonic color.

"Uh, no thanks. I'd like to live to see my future." I charged at him, connecting his head with my foot. I followed with a blow to the chest, sending him into a wall. "Am I not as strong as I look?" I teased. I heard Kori laugh.

"You look weak. And in fact you are." He threw a dark energy ball at my feet, making me loose my balance. Before my face smashed the concrete, I flipped back onto my hands and landed safely on my feet.

"FIRE DRAGONS ROAR!!!" I unleashed my breath all over his face. He only got shoved back a few feet before we got into a fist fight. I'm pretty sure I had broken his jaw when I had kicked him in the face with my heel, but he seemed unneffected. After a while, he had swiped my feet and pinned me to the ground. "Let go of me! This isn't a fair fight!!" I screamed, trying to wriggle out of his grip. His legs were around my hips and his hands were holding my hands to the ground. His face went towards my neck, and I heard him chuckle.

"Sweetheart, this is totally a fair fight. And when I'm done, you won't be able to feel your legs." He hissed and picked his head up again.

"No... no no no please NO!! Natsu!! Natsmmmh!!" Kori covered up my mouth with one hand.

"Tsk. None of that. Don't worry. I'll make it fast." He whispered, starting to take off my shirt. I spit in his eye, but he had just slapped my across the face in return. "You're feisty. You're lucky I'm only after that body of yours."

"You're sick! You're a sick twisted man!!"

"Darling. I'm only doing what I love." He started leaning into me when there was a bang, and blood splattered all over my face and chest. When I looked past Kori's head, Keninchi's hands were shaped into a spiked club, and his eyes were blazing.

"Stay away from her you piece of shit." He spat before throwing Kori's body off of me.


"Did he harm you in any way?" He asked. I heard the other's footsteps close behind. I started crying.

"He... he almost raped me..." I cried into his shoulder. Warm hands yanked me away from the prince.

"Sis... are you insane?!? You almost got killed!! And worse, raped!! Don't run off like that ever again!!"" Natsu's-the real Natsu- sent filled my nose. I cried even harder.

"I'm sorry... sorry I worried you Natsu... but I'm... I'm okay." I don't remember what happened after that because I blacked out. But at least I know that Kori is dead and Keninchi is safe.

What suprised me more was I woke up to a pair of lips against mine.

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