The Magnolia Train

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Natsu's pov

I agreed to help Erza with her mission. For some reason, she wanted Ice cream princess to help with me, but I'm going to make sure he stays away from my sister. Yah, Hisui refused to let me leave unless she came too. To my suprise, Erza actually let her come! But this is what happened when I tried convincing her to stay behind:

"I'm coming with you! Mirajane-sama asked me to come with you so you won't get in trouble with Gray-chan! Now I'm coming, and if you try to say otherwise, so help me Natsu I will snap your neck!!!" *puts finger over throat for effect* "Now move before I break both of your legs and rip your brain out through your ears, and shove it back in through your mouth!!!" *storms past to go help Erza*

Yah, she ACTUALLY said that! Where the hell does she get that from because believe me, she didn't get that from me!

《》《》time skip by happy《》《》

"You wish to fight me? That's the condition?" Erza smiled at me. "Fine then. It has been a while. I accept." She turned away and got on the train with Hisui, Happy and the Penguin.

"Natsu? Don't you think you might, I don't know... DIE if you fight her??" Lucy asked.

"No way! Let's just go already."

《》 《》 another time skip 《 》 《 》
*Lucy's pov *

"It's kinda sad really." Gray whispered to me.

"What's sad?" I replied. I sat next to Erza with Hisui on my lap, (not enough seats on the train, and I offered for her to) and Natsu and Gray were on the other side.

"That Natsu is the one who gets travel sick, and not Hisui."

"I travel alot. So I'm used to it. I did have it for almost three years when I was little, then it just suddenly went away. Hey Happy? How long has Natsu been traveling by train?" Hisui asked the cat sitting on Natsu's shoulder.

"Most of his life. It doesn't matter what he travels on, he always gets sick."

"When he Flys with you, does he get sick?"


*giggles* "My brother is strange." (A/N: I forgot to say, Hisui is just wearing what Natsu's genderbend would wear)

"Yah, very strange." I replied.

"Why don't you sit by me Natsu?" Erza asked. I got up and sat beside Gray, while Hisui sat on the floor. Natsu gave a simple "Aye..." and sat beside Erza. Hisui gasped when Erza socked Natsu in the stomach, causing him to pass out on her lap.

"Woah... Erza, did you really have to go an-" Hisui started, but I clamped my hand over her mouth.

*Hisui's pov *

I zoned out while the gang was talking. Staring out the window, pieces of my jogged memory flashed in my head. Traveling on my own, stealing to keep from going hungry, battling to save my skin. That's how it's been since I was seven years old. But now I don't have to live that life.

《Time skip by happy》

We arrived at the station at two o'clock pm. I was about to walk off the train, when I remembered Natsu. "Hang on you guys!" I called. I ran back to see Natsu was awake, but he was sick again. "Natsu come on! We have to catch up with the others!" I shook his shoulder. All he did was moan. Fan fucking tastic. "Natsu please! Snap out of it!!" The train jerked and I couldn't see Lucy, Happy, Gray or Erza. "Sh*t..." I muttered.

Natsu didn't look like he was gonna get moving anytime soon, so I decided to stay with him until the next stop. I was just staring out the window when a man came up to us. "Is this seat taken?" He asked. I shook my head 'no' and he sat across from us. He rambled on and on about how cool it would be to be in Fairy Tail. I spaced out again. But I snapped out of it when he kicked Natsu in the face.

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