Chapter 3: Hisui's Hidden Power

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Lucy and I sat on the couch below the deck of Salamander's ship. Lucy wore a long red dress with a slit in the side. A matching flower kept some of her hair out of her face. I wore a short, black dress with flames at the bottom. Yes, I said flames. I love fire. I wore my headband, I never take it off. I just sat there with my hair braided being my shoulders, arms crossed and eyes closed. Lucy was sweating so much it could sink the ship!

"Calm down. Act like you're having fun. Cause I'm not." I said without opening my eyes. She took a deep breath when Salamander came down the steps.

"I'm back. Did you miss me?" He's so dam cocky! Ooh, when I get my hands on him-

"Yes. Don't take too long again." Lucy playfully winked at him. I opened my eyes to him pouring two glasses of wine.

"Care for a drink?" Then he made the wine rise up as little balls of liquid! Lucy started to sweat even more.

"Of course!" She replied. I kept staring until it barley touched her lips. My eyes widened. Lucy must've noticed me, because she then slapped the wine away, causing it to shatter against the wall. "Those are sedatives, aren't they?" She stood up, glaring. I jumped up as well, my eyes narrowed.

"Oh no! So you both saw through it." Salamander gasped sarcastically.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I only wanted to get into Fairy Tail." Lucy said.

"We have no intention of being your girlfriend. So lay off you baka!" I spat.

"What will I do with you two? If you just would've allowed yourselves to get drugged, this wouldn't have to hurt." The sound of footsteps came being us. Then two men grabbed Lucy's arms. I turned around and punched the men who were trying to grab me. More came at me, but I just smiled. I dodged their attempts, but the last one got me. He covered my mouth and locked my arms together. Then they all got me.

"What's going on here?!" Lucy yelled.

"Who are you bastards?!" I screamed. Salamander grabbed my cheeks so I would face him.

"Welcome aboard my slave ship! Behave yourself until we arrive in Bosco. And I won't do anything else." I huffed and spit in his ugly face. He slapped me across my face. "Rude little snot."

"What about Fairy Tail?!" Lucy asked.

"I lured you hear because you seemed like valuable merchandise. Give up, before it gets worse." My heartbeat was in my ears. I looked over and saw him take Lucy's Gatekey chain.

"Dammit!" I muttered as he threw them out the window into the water. Lucy started to cry. "You are suck a sick bastard! Tricking girls like this! Go to hell, sicko!!" I screamed. He pulled out a flaming stamp.

"This branding process might sting a bit. Grit you teeth and bear it." He headed for Lucy. I tried breaking free from the men's grasp, but it was no use. Somebody, anybody... please help Lucy! Then the ceiling burst open. I recognized his hair.

"Natsu..." I muttered. The look on his face meant he was ready for a fight. The boat rocked. Natsu got seasick.

"THAT'S THE LEAST COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!!" Lucy yelled. Then I heard flapping.

"Lucy! Hisui! What are you doing here?" Happy strangely had wings and came through the hole in the ceiling.

"I don't remember you having wings!" Lucy said at the same time as me.

"Let's save the details for later!" Happy said as he swooped down towards me. I shoved Lucy in Happy's way. He took her into the sky.

"What about Natsu and Hisui?!" Lucy asked. I couldn't hear what Happy said, because I was headed for Salamander. He tried throwing fire at them.

"You creep!!" I pushed him down just as the fire shot. It missed them. Thank goodness. His men fired guns, and then I saw them fall out of the sky. "No! Lucy!!" I faced Natsu. He was still sick. I ran to him and shook him. "NATSU! GET UP AND HELP ME FIGHT!! PLEASE!!" He didn't say anything except: "Fai... ry... Tail..." He faced Salamander. "You... went... and..." Then he was quiet.

"You dam fool! I'm going to kick you a-" Then the boat shifted to the side and felt like it was being thrown somewhere. I screamed and fell down. Then everything slowed. I picked my head up. "WHY THE HECK ARE WE ON THE HARBOR?!?" I gasped. The I saw Lucy screaming at what looked like... a MERMAID???
Ok.. I'm dreaming...

"Natsu?" I turned my attention to him. He stood up with a scary glare to his face.

"You! Hisui! Come here." He looked at me with the same expression. I swallowed and stepped forward. "Why do you look familiar?" He asked as he took his jacket off.

"Uh... let's not discuss this now..." two of Salamander's men charged at us.

"You're a Fairy Tail wizard?" He then looked at Salamander. Salamander nodded. "I want to see your face real good." The men were inches from his face.

"Natsu!!" I kicked one of his men away, but I couldn't get the other. But Natsu just smacked him away!

"CAUSE I'M NATSU OF FAIRY TAIL!!! AND I AIN'T NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE IN MY LIFE!!!" I let out a sigh of relief. Salamander didn't care otherwise. He blasted Natsu with fire. Someone grabbed my wrist. It was Natsu.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked.

"Just trying to see something..." He replied just as the fire hit. Lucy called our names. Then Natsu started to... EAT THE FIRE?!?

"What are you-" I started.

"You can to it too, right? That's why you aren't burning." He saw through me. I sighed and whispered:

"It's been a while... huh Natsu? Let me help you finish this." Then I started eating the fire too. I coughed. "Dang Natsu! This is gross!"

"This is bad. Are you really a fire wizard? I've never eaten fire that tastes this bad. Right Hisui?" Natsu teased.

"Right." Then I continued. I didn't eat as much as Natsu, but pretty close. Natsu finished before me.

"Thanks anyway." He burped. I giggled.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE TWO?!!!" Salamander gasped. Then there was this feeling in my stomach. I gasped. Natsu...

"When I eat... the power wells up inside!!!" Natsu got ready for something. I did it as well. We stood, side by side, building up the fire in out mouthes. I just followed him. We cupped out hands around out mouthes... and breathed fire. All the men got washed away. Then he took my hand in his. He lit his fist on fire. I did the same. We charged at Salamander with full speed, punching him square in the face. I fell at the impact, but Natsu kept going. He's getting out of control! I ran to Lucy and took her hand.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here!" She didn't protest, running with me out of the ship. Then the ship collapsed and the harbor was destroyed.

"Natsu destroyed the harbor!" Happy pointed out. Wasn't I just thinking that? Then Natsu ran towards us, grabbing us by the hands.

"Come on! We gotta get out of here!" He hollered.

"Where are we going?" Lucy asked.

"You said you wanted to join Fairy Tail, right?" He smiled at her. I stayed quiet. She agreed and we ran from the authority.

Just so you know, if some of the lines are the same as the real thing, I'm sorry. I didn't know that was copyright, and because I have the book series, so I was getting it from that. I won't do it anymore, cause I don't have it with me, and it's wrong. Don't do what I did. EVER. So sorry if the text makes zero sense, just tried to make it real.


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