Chapter 7: Natsu's Vengeance

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Hisui saved me... knowing her... she probably didn't...

"You're going to pay for that you ass. First Macao, and now my SISTER?!? I just gotten to know her! You bastard! I will avenge my sister!!" I screamed and charged at the murder Vulcan. All that was on my mind was my sister's smile. If she's not dead, sorry you don't get to beat up this ass hole. I charged at him with full speed. He struggled to take me down. He even tried throwing ice spears at me. I just held my arms out and yelled:

"That stuff won't work on me!!" I smiled. Then he found an ax. WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET AN AX?!?

*Lucy's pov*

While they were getting here, I summoned the mighty Taurus. He's a cow with a huge ax. The Vulcan is a pervert, but I made the mistake of forgetting that Taurus was a pervert too. (A/N: HERBERT THE PERVERT ×2!) When Natsu came running in, he smashed against Tarus, knocking him out. I tried waking him up, but he was out cold. And since he hasn't left yet, his ax was still there. I looked over to the hole Hisui fell out of.

"Pst! Happy! Can you fly down there and check if Hisui's okay?" He nodded and dived down the cliff. I turned back to Natsu.

*Natsu's pov*

The Vulcan tried to smash me with the ax. But I cought it in my hands. We struggled until I had an idea. I heated my hands until some of the metal melted into my mouth. I formed it into a few balls and spit them into his eye. He dropped the ax, clutching his eye. Hey, he deserved to die.

"You're going to pay!!" He charged at me. I just turned to Lucy.

"You sent Happy to look for Hisui, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yah, and turn around! He's coming!"

"She's my sister. If she's alive, please help her back to her normal self. We're friends Lucy. We all are." I faced the Vulcan, who was about three feet away from me. "And so... I PLAN TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE!!" I kicked the Vulcan into a wall. He finally rested. Then Happy called.

"Natsu! Help me!" He couldn't get over the side of the window. "My wings are fading!!" I grabbed his arms.

"Why are you having trouble?" As if I didn't know.

"I found Hisui! She's alive!!" I froze. I then yanked him over the side and looked at my sister. Her breathing was short. She had deep wounds from the rocks. Out of the corner of my eye, the Vulcan began to glow. It turned out to me Macao!

"Lucy, get Macao over here! We've gotta help him!" I gave Hisui to Happy.

"But what about Hisui?!" Lucy asked. I looked back at her. I returned my gaze to Macao.

"Romeo is waiting for him. We have to get him healed and back. Hisui, we can help her later." Lucy tried her best to help him, but she was afraid he wouldn't make it. I lit my hand on fire and slammed it on Macao's biggest wound. He screamed in pain, but it was working. "Come on Macao, hold on!!" The another flamed hand was on another wound.

"Hey Natsu. Let's save him first, okay?" She smiled. We healed him up and went back home. Seeing Romeo and Macao together was a good site. (Hisui: DON'T YOU LIE NATSU IT WAS AN AMAZING SITE!!!) When we got back to Fairy Tail, everyone yelled at me for not healing up Hisui, but she defended me.

"How did you even survive?" I asked. Lucy smacked me upside the head.

"I don't even remember. All I know is Happy bringing me back up. What happened to the Vulcan?" She asked.

"The Vulcan possessed Macao with a spell. But you and Natsu saved him." Happy answered her. She smiled.

"Isn't that what a Fairy Tail wizard does?" She asked. I nodded. Lucy was talking to Mirajane, Ice princess was running away from Juvia, and Gageel was practicing punches. My stomach rumbled softly.

"Wanna get something to eat sis?" I stood up and stretched. She nodded and we walked out of the guild. I put my arm around her shoulder. We look so much alike, but in a way, we are so different.

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