Tell Your Family Everything

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Okay, so before we start this thing off, I just wanna say Merry Christmas and happy new year to all you wonderful readers!! (When I publish this it's gonna be waaay after Christmas but I don't give too fucks)

And I know I said a few chapters back that there were five flames and then there were ten. There were supposed to be ten, okay? I'm sorry I didn't edit that I didn't realize it said five.



"N-NATSU!!!" I screamed and threw my arms around his neck, crying harder than before. He laughed and hugged me back.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. I was shocked.

"STUPID YOU ALMOST DIED!!! YOU DIDN'T REMEMBER ME AND I HAD TO KISS YOU TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!" I yelled, drying my tears. I wasn't mad, I was confused.

"Um... about that... you didn't need to kiss me." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I couldn't think of any other way to save you. I didn't want you to die." I said blankly. I get the feeling he's hiding something.

"Um... you still didn't have to kiss me..." He kept looking away. I grabbed his ear in frustration, making him yelp.

"Natsu." I growled. He huffed and yanked his throbbing ear away.

"Fine! The whole thing was just a prank! Mystogan helped me with it! Everyone except team Natsu and you were in on it!" He refused to look at me. My left eye twitched uneasily, and my hands balled to fists. I let a growl escape my throat, as I stood up straight.

"Natsu..." I said lowly. He let out a shreak and ran out of the room. Pissed as fuck, I chased after him down the stairs of the guild, yelling like a crazy person. I had my hands around his throat when Keninchi yanked me off of him.

"Come on Hisui calm down! This isn't good for the baby!!!" Keninchi rubbed my shoulders as I kept a stone cold glare at Natsu. Then I went limp in my legs.

I haven't told Natsu yet....

"Uh... sis?" Natsu shoved Keninchi away from me.

"Y-Yeah?" I looked at my hands.

"What baby is he talking about?" Natsu glared at me. I sighed, glaring back with out foreheads touching.

"He's talking about our kid Natsu. I'm pregnant. You're going to be an uncle." I smiled, backing away. Natsu didn't change his face. Until he suddenly hugged me tightly.

"I'm... I'm gonna be an uncle?" He whispered in my ear. I chuckled, pulling away and booping his nose.

"Yup." I smiled.

"Wait... doesn't that mean..." He glared knives at Keninchi "That you aren't a virgin anymore?" I was shocked.

Natsu's actually smart???

"Uh... that is how babies are made Natsu." I raised an eyebrow when someone hugged me from behind. It was Levy, Mirajane and Happy.

"YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!!!" Levy and Mira shouted.

"I GET A NEW FRIEND!!!!" Happy shouted. I laughed as Erza stopped Natsu from totally pounding on Keninchi.

"So what's the gender? How far along are you?" Erza asked. I chuckled as Keninchi hid behind me.

"I don't know the gender, but I sensed more of its father so I'm assuming it's a boy. And I don't know how far along I-" Someone cut me off.

"She's four and a half months along. She's just very fit, so she'll have a bump in the next few days." Keninchi kissed my cheek lightly. I noticed that someone wasn't here.

Without a word, I went to find Lucy.

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