Chapter One

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Havyn's P.O.V.

The screaming of my alarm clock in my ear makes me sit up with a start. I fall off of the bed with a loud thump. I groan loudly, aggravated with myself, but particularly at the idea of being up at six in the morning to get ready for my first day back to hell. Senior year is definitely going to drag by, making life around this stupid ass town even worse than the year before. I walk out onto my balcony, letting the smell of the ocean lingering in the air fill my nostrils. One day I will be out of here. One day I am going to leave this place and I will never ever look back. Maybe I will go to Rome or Paris or Italy. All I know is that anywhere is way better than here. A small knock on my door snaps me from my fantasy land, bringing me back into this harsh reality. 

"What is it?" I ask, disgust clear in my tone.

"Is that any way to greet your best friend?" Sarah. 

I jog across my large bedroom, flinging the door open. I let it hit my wall with a bang, hoping to piss my Father off, that is if he is even here. Most of the time he drowns himself in work, ignoring me completely. He comes home occasionally, but when he does he is always drunk, and always looking for someone to beat up. That person is me. Ever since my Mom died when I was fourteen, my Dad has turned into a vicious, unrecognizable man. I grit my teeth together just thinking about the last time he came home. It was a little over a week ago when he dropped by for one of his not so fatherly like visits. He was head over heels drunk, yelling and cursing at the top of his lungs. I tried to lock myself away in my bedroom, however that did not keep him from using all of his force to break the door down. When he got in, he was beyond angry. One thing I never do is run. Running is cowardly. I stood there like a grown up and took the right hook to my cheek. I had a nasty bruise for days. Thankfully it is gone by now. I have to explain way too many "accidents" to my teachers.

"Earth to Havyn," Sarah Joyner, my best friend, says, waving her hand frantically in front of my face. I snap out of my trance, trying not to shutter at the mere thought of when my Dad will come home for some more daddy daughter time. "Is everything okay? You seem a little distracted this morning."

"Yup," I say, popping the 'p'. 

Sarah has been my best friend since longer than I can remember. We met in kindergarten and instantly became stuck at the hips. She has been by my side through every milestone, not once ever leaving me alone. She knows everything that there is to know about me. All the good and all the bad, even though mostly I consist of the bad. Once I again I am lost into my own Neverland. I shake off my thoughts, returning my eyes back to my gorgeous best friend. There is no doubt in the world that Sarah is one of the prettiest girls in school. Her blonde hair falls just below her shoulders. Usually people with light hair have light eyes, but not Sarah. Her eyes are a deep, chestnut brown, always seeming to hold a sparkle in them. 

"You better start getting ready," Sarah says, tapping her watch.

"Save me a seat in homeroom?" I ask, running towards my bathroom.

"You know it," she winks.

Since we both have our own vehicles, we always drive separate. I know the only reason Sarah dropped by so early was to make sure that I was actually out of bed. Let's just say that I have a tendency of being late to well everything. I lost count of how many detentions I received during junior because of my uncanny lack of showing up to classes on time, or just ditching all together. Sarah might do some pretty wild things tagging along with me, but one thing she never does is fail to show up to school, and on time I might add. I chuckle to myself at the thoughts of her. 

I quickly brush my teeth, happy to get rid of that god awful taste that I woke up with in my mouth. Before doing anything else, I crank my radio up to a level that my neighbors find quite annoying, speaking that they have called the cops several times because of it. Stupid neighbors. Once I find the best pop station, I plop down at my vanity. I brush through my long, very naughty hair. It is a light brown with natural caramel highlights. My hair really is a beast with how it is to tame. I curl the ends, letting them fall loosely down my back. When I start on my makeup, I apply my everyday look. My bluish, gray eyes stand out as soon as I put my eyeliner and mascara on. 

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