Chapter Thirty-One

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Kai's P.O.V.

"Tell me what?" I ask, walking into the bedroom with Finn.

Havyn and Sarah both exchange weird glances between each other, which makes me even more suspicious. Finn crosses his arms over his chest, raising his eyebrows curiously. I follow his lead. Havyn's face has been pale over the last few days, but right now it is ghost white. Sarah's is frozen in horror over something. As I start to walk towards the bathroom, Havyn kicks the door shut with her foot and yells at Sarah to lock it, and she does. I knock for what seems like eternity, finally giving up out of pure exhaustion.

When the door finally creaks open, only Sarah comes out.

"Why won't Havyn come out?" I ask, trying to sneak a peak at the closed door.

"Um," Sarah mumbles. "Period cramps. Yeah, that's why."

I hear Havyn groan loudly.

"Are you sure you are telling me the truth?" I ask, walking closer to her.

Sarah backs towards Finn, her back eventually hitting him. I find my height has its advantages when it comes to intimidating people, especially people like Sarah, who is super small. Finn chuckles behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"We better get going," Finn whispers into her ear.

"Good idea," Sarah squeaks, running out of the room.

Finn only laughs as he exits the room after his girlfriend. When I hear the front door shut from downstairs, I walk over to the closed bathroom door. I slip my wallet out of my back pocket and pull out one of my credit cards, sticking it into the door. It clicks, swinging open. Havyn is sitting in the corner of the bathroom, her head buried into her knees, sobbing quietly. I let my back slide down the wall beside her, wrapping my hand around her calf, wanting her to know that I am here. She looks up with her red, puffy eyes.

"What's going on?" I ask, softly. "Talk to me."

"I don't want to talk about it," Havyn whispers, shaking her head. "Not yet anyways."

I want to push her for more information, but I resist my urges. I know to give her the space she needs when she needs it. My heart physically hurts seeing her like this. The pit of my stomach aches. Knowing that some of the best kind of therapy is silence, I pull her across the floor into my lap, holding onto her tightly. Her hands clutch the front of my shirt as she buries her face into my chest. I trace her back with the tips of my fingers, stopping every once in a while to twirl stands of her soft hair around.

As she is falling into her dreams, I hear her whisper three words that make me sick. "I am scared." Scared of what? I hope she doesn't mean of Griffin or Marcel. I have already set my next move into motion on that issue. When I am done with those assholes, they will never show their faces around Eastside ever again, or anyone they know I am. I know that what I am going to do only brings out the worse in me, but when it comes to keeping Havyn safe, I'll do anything. If I have to turn into the old me for a while to deal with this problem, I'll do it. If I have to end up stepping in front of a bullet for her, I'll do it without a second thought of hesitation. She is my treasure, and I will protect her with every ounce of my being.


Three and a half weeks later, I text Finn and Jaxon to meet me at Havyn's while she is out with Sarah for the day doing who only knows what. Come to think about it, she has been hanging out with her best friend a lot lately. Not that I am not happy about it, it is just she has been really distant lately, and that feeling doesn't feel good. She assures me that everything is okay, but I know that there is something she isn't telling me. A knock on the front door snaps me from my thoughts, bringing me back to the task at hand.

"Come in!" I shout.

Finn and Jaxon walk in shoving each other.

"What's going on?" Finn asks, chuckling, falling down onto the couch.

"Yeah," Jaxon echoes. "What's going on?"

"It's time that we deal with the problem at hand," I say, balling my fists. "If we continue to sit back, Griffin and Marcel are going to strike again, and this time one of us not make it out uninjured. I won't let it come to that. If something were to happen to you guys, or god forbid Havyn, I would never be able to live with myself. Instead of sitting back and waiting for them to strike, we are going to strike first. We are going to hit them hard."

Finn and Jaxon look at each other, then back at me.

"What is it you suppose we do?" Jaxon speaks up.

"End this," I reply, my teeth gritting together.

"Do you mean like end Marcel and Griffin?" Finn asks, leaning back now.

I nod my head yes.

"You do realize there is more than just them, right?" Jax asks.

I nod my head again.

"What is the plan?" Finn questions, serious.

"There is a party this weekend," I start. "I've already called ahead and made sure to get some strings pulled so that our friends will definitely be invited. As hard as it is going to be, we are going to have to convince Havyn and Sarah to sit this one out, which in my opinion is going to be the hardest part of this plan. I don't know about your girl, Finn, but I know mine is beyond stubborn. Anyways, once we convince them to stay, we are going to corner Griffin and Marcel with the help of a few friends."

"Wait, who exactly?" Jax asks.

"Chris and Matt," I answer. "And a few of my friends from outside of town will be there."

"I'm in," Finn agrees.

"We are a team," Jax smirks. "Of course I am in."


"If you ask me not to go the party, then I won't go," Havyn says, sitting on the kitchen counter.

What, what?

"Seriously?" I ask, shocked.

"I don't really feel like going anyways," she shrugs, shoving another chip into her mouth. "Mmmmm, these are so good."

"You have been eating so much lately," I point out, smirking.

Her mouth drops open right before she throws a chip across the counter, hitting me in the chest.

"Shut up," she chuckles. "You better get going before you are late. Have fun. And don't do something I wouldn't do."

"No promises," I wink. "I love you."

"I love you."


The party is in full swing by the time I pull up with Finn and Jaxon. Colorful beams of light hit radiate different sections of the yard for seconds at a time. Music is blaring from inside, causing the ground to shake. Their are people scattering the lawn, and even more inside once we push ourselves in. We push through the crowd towards the bar. Chris and Matt are both there like I asked them to be. I pull all of them to the side, creating a small huddle. As quickly as possible I explain what the plan is to everyone, who all agree. 

"Operation end Griffin and Marcel commences now," Finn says, clamping his hand down onto my shoulder. 

"Right," I nod. "So everyone know what we are supposed to do?"

Everyone nods their heads yes.

"You all need to be on your toes," I warn. "I know for a fact that those two aren't here alone without some kind of back up. I'm not going to name any names, but there are other people who are here that are on our side that I called in."


What do you guys think is going to go down?


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