Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Kai's P.O.V.

I glance at the clock nervously. It is already way past nine o'clock and Havyn is still not back home. I start to worry, still not have gotten a text or a call from her stating her late absence. I start pacing our living room, my breathing picking up. Finally having had enough of my patience, I reach for my phone, dialing Havyn's number quickly. No answer. I call again, no answer. I call three more times, no answer. I finally dial Sarah's number, hoping that she will answer. 

"Hello?" Sarah answers. 

"Oh thank god," I sigh. "Can I talk to Havyn?"

"She isn't with me," Sarah responds. "We left the resteraunt more than thirty minutes ago, Kai. I am already back home. She should be home by now unless she stopped somewhere. Have you tried calling or texting her maybe?"

"Of course I have," I snap. I sigh again. "I am sorry, Sarah. I shouldn't have snapped at you. With her being so close to going into labor and not being home yet, I am really worried about her. The guys after me are still out there somewhere."

"Calm down," she says. "We have to stay calm."

My phone buzzes, indicating an incoming call. 

"I think she is calling," I say quickly, ending her call and answering the other. "Oh thank god. Havyn you have had me so worried. Where are you? You should have called or texted or something letting me know that you would be late. Do you know how worried I have been?"

"Sir," a male voice says, clearly not Havyn's. "This is Grey Hospital. I am calling on behalf of Havyn Grace Holloway. You are listed as her emergency contact. There was an accident tonight, Mr. Prince, one that has put Havyn in critical condition. We are going to have to ask you to come down as soon as possible."

I take off out of the door without another word. 


I run through the front doors of the hospital, running straight for the elevator to get to the Emergency floor. As soon as the elevator doors slide open, I push past the other people and make my way to the front desk. My breathing is heavy and my heart is pounding. There is a man at the front desk dressed in scrubs, probably the same one who called to inform me of Havyn's accident. I stop in front of the desk, my hands slamming onto the counter with force. 

"Where is Havyn?" I ask, breathing hard. "Havyn Holloway, where is she?"

"Mr. Prince," the nurse says, his voice completely calm. "Ms. Holloway is in surgery now. With her current condition, she was sent in for an immediate C-section. The accident not only threatened her life, but the life of her child as well."

"What happened to her?" I question. 

"It was a hit and run sir," he responds, his voice sad. "Luckily the entire accident was caught on camera, therefore plates were seen. The police are said to be in pursuit of the vehicle now. I am sure a doctor will be out soon to let you know what is going on, just as I am sure an officer will come by as well. Will you please take a seat in the waiting room? I promise to let you know what is going on as soon as I know myself."

I nod my head, staggering towards the crowded waiting room. With shaking hands I pull out my cell phone, calling everyone Havyn would want me to call. I start with my own parents, who are both on call and promise to come as soon as possible. Next I call the guys and Sarah. All of them are nearly chocking on tears when we hang up, especially Sarah, who is blaming everything on herself. I lean back in my seat, letting my head fall against the wall. I let out a deep, shaky breath. My eyes shut. I listen to the ticking of the clock and the chattering of the others waiting for what seems like eternity, waiting for an answer.

"Mr. Prince," a voice calls out. 

I jump to my feet and rush to the doctor standing at the door. 

"How is she?" I ask, my voice worried. 

"Stable," he answers. "The trauma induced her labor, however when she arrived, we found in an immediate x-ray that her pelvis bone was broken, which prevented the passageway for the babies. We took her straight back for a C-section, where both babies were delivered healthy and unharmed. As for Ms. Holloway, she is in a recovery room down the hall still under heavy anesthesia. She should be waking up within the next couple of hours."

I nod my head along with his words, processing each one individually. 

"Whoa," I say, realizing something. "Did you say babies?"

"Yes," the doctor nods. "Twins, a boy and a girl."

My heart starts racing again. 

"Can I see her?" I ask. "When can I see her and them?"

"Now," he says, gesturing for me to come with him. "Follow me."

I follow him down a long hallway, where he stops in front of a large door, pushing it open quietly. He motions me inside. I walk in with numb legs, not sure if I am ready to see the shape Havyn is in. I know the doctor said she will be fine, but that does not mean anything to me. I step around the curtain, my breath sucking in. Laying in the white sheets is my Havyn, the same one I fell in love with. The only physical condition noticeable is the purple bruise on the left side of her face, most likely where she hit the ground. She looks like a sleeping angel now, with her long, caramel hair laying down her pillow. I stroke a strand. Her eyes stir open. 

"Kai," Havyn whispers. 


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Bad versus BadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora