Chapter Thirty-Three

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Kai's P.O.V.

My heart stops in my chest as Marcel's foot connects with Havyn's side, causing her to fall into the pool. The last thing I hear is her gasping. I dive underneath the water as she sinks further and further into the deep end. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back to the surface. She starts spitting and coughing at the water that filled her lungs only seconds ago, yearning for oxygen.

"Havyn," I whisper, breathing hard. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she answers, weakly. "But the bab-."

She never finishes her sentence before she goes limp in my arms. The sound of police sirens snaps me out of my faze. I push myself out of the water, clutching onto her tightly. All of Marcel and Griffin's guys are running in the opposite direction, wanting to escape the cops. Finn and the others start running to, me staying close behind. Finn and Sarah jump into Sarah's car, Jaxon, Chris, and Matt all hop into Chris's car, while I place Havyn into the passenger seat of my Hummer. We all spin out of the makeshift parking lot in front of the house as red and blue lights fill our vacant spots.

Once we are safely all back at Havyn's house, everyone scurries inside. I have to carry Havyn inside because she is still unconsciousness. As soon as I lay her down in her bed upstairs, Sarah runs into the room, dropping at her best friend's side, crying. Finn hustles in after his girlfriend, staying close by her. I stumble across the room, dropping down into the chair in the corner, burying my face in my hands. All I can think is why. Why did Havyn have to come? Why did I let her get mixed up into my crazy life? This is all my fault. Nothing like this would have happened to her if I would have just let her go. Letting her go would have kept her safe. 

An hour later, Havyn's eye flutter open. She pushes herself onto her elbows, glancing around the room completely confused. Sarah throws her arms around her neck, earning a few unfaithful words, but that doesn't stop her from squeezing the life out of her best friend. I don't move to the side of the bed out of guilt. Finn pulls Sarah off, telling her to give Havyn breathing room. My girl starts looking around the room desperately, her eyes landing on me. A breath of relief escapes her lips, and then a smile appears. I try to force a small smile to my face, but I can't. 

"Havyn," Sarah says, softly. "Are you alright?"

"I think so," Havyn responds, rubbing the back of her head where Marcel hit her earlier. "I don't really remember much after I was hit from behind, well except Kai beating the shit out of Marcel and then falling into the pull. I tried to get to him, but I couldn't stand, so I crawled. After that, it is all just a bit blurry."

"Marcel kicked you in the side of your stomach," I say, my fists clenching together tightly. "I had to dive under to get you, because you were sinking like you had bricks tied to your ankles. When I brought you back up, you blacked out."

"My stomach?" Havyn asks, frantically. 

"Her stomach?" Sarah questions, just as frantic as her friend. 

"That's what he said," Finn answers. "Why?"

Havyn curls into a ball and starts crying her eyes out without another word. Sarah demands that Finn and I leave the room. Reluctantly, we do as she says. As soon as the door shuts, I can hear Sarah trying to calm Havyn down. After that, the words get muffled by the door, however I manage to make out my name several times and something about having to tell me something right away. I think I even hear the word hospital one or two times. 

The door opens quietly. Sarah walks out of the now dark room, tears falling down her face like a water fall. Finn immediately pulls her into a hug, stroking her back softly. I don't move from my spot. I only stand and wait for Sarah. 

"Kai," Sarah squeaks. "It's, it's Havyn."

My heart stops into my stomach. Without another word, I barge into the room, running to the bed. I reach out to Havyn, needing to know that she is okay. As I extend my hand to touch her face, she grabs my hand and pulls me down to her. We are so close, her lips brush against mine slightly. My eyes shut from the smallest impact. I am on my knees beside the bed, my head pressed against her forehead, breathing her in. 

"Do you love me?" Havyn asks, softly. 

"You know that I love you more than anyone else in this world," I whisper. 

"Are you willing to share all of your love?" she asks, quietly. 

"My love is yours," I respond. "I am not going to share it with anyone."

"Kai, I need to know that you are willing to share your love with someone else."

"Who else do I need to share my love with?" I question. "My heart is yours."

"Your heart is ours."


"Wait, what do you mean 'ours'?" I ask. 

"I'm pregnant," Havyn whispers, quickly. 

My body freezes. 

"Pregnant?" I ask. "Are you sure?"

She nods her head yes. 

"How long have you known exactly?"

"A little over a month and half," she answers, meekly. 

"And you didn't think to tell me in all that time?" I ask, pushing myself away from the bed.

Havyn pushes herself off of the bed, swaying a little to the right as she does. Like an instinct I move in to help her keep her balance. 

"Please don't be mad," Havyn says, her eyes wide with pain. "I have been wanting to tell you since the day I found out, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. We are both still so young, and I didn't know if you ever wanted children, let alone if you even saw a future with me. I didn't want to throw your world upside down with a baby. Sarah has been begging me to tell you. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was so scared of what you would think or what you would say."

I sit back on her words, processing them. 

"I need air," I whisper. 

"I'll come with you," she says, eagerly. 

"No," I snap. "Alone. I just want to be alone."


Oh my gosh.


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