Chapter Seventeen

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Kai's P.O.V. 

At the end of the day, I can't find Havyn anywhere which instantly puts me into panic mode. I run out into the parking lot, searching frantically for the girl with the gorgeous eyes and caramel streaked hair. The girl that I find myself thinking about every second of everyday. A pair of hands cover my eyes, my body stiffens for a second but instantly relaxing once I smell the familiar perfume. Havyn's hands leave my eyes and wrap around my neck. She jumps onto my back, wrapping her legs around my torso. She rests her chin on my shoulder, letting her body relax. 

"What, have I turned into your personal mode of transportation?" I ask, chuckling. 

"You sure did," she laughs.

"That's ten dollars a ride," I joke.

"How about a kiss?" she asks, pressing her lips to my neck. 

"That could work," I smirk. 

Like a monkey she shimmies herself around to where her legs are still wrapped around my waist, but instead of being on my back, she is on my front. Eyes avert towards us, but I shrug off the stares like I always do. When Havyn presses her lips against mine and it feels like fireworks are exploding around us in bright colors. Every kiss with her is something unexplainable, almost magical. How does one girl flip you entire world upside down?

"What are you doing Friday night?" Havyn asks, smiling devilishly. 


"Why?" I ask, suspiciously. 

"Because I need a cheerleader at the tracks," she smirks. 

"Oh hell no babe," I shake my head. "I am racing and I am going to kiss your ass this time."

"Keep dreaming," she whispers in my ear, seductively. 

"You've got nerves," I chuckle.

She laughs. 

"What are you doing tonight?" she asks.

"Why? What do you have in mind?" 

"You and me are going to have a sleepover," she says. 

"A sleepover?" I ask, my eyebrows raised. "Isn't that what girls do?"

"Guys can have sleepovers, too," she points out. "Besides, you know you want to spend the entire night with no one but with absolutely not interruptions at all. Just think of all the possibilities. We could do anything we wanted with no consequences."

"Tempting," I say, already convinced. "Sold."


After Finn drop me off by house, I pack an overnight bag for Havyn's house and leave without giving my parents an explanation to where I am going. They have never questioned me before when I disappear for a night or two, so surely they aren't going to now. I jog out of the house and head straight to Havyn's house without making any stops on the way. When I get to her house, she is leaning against her balcony overlooking the drive. Her hair is blowing in the breeze, and a bright smile is on her face. I sigh at how beautiful she is. 

"Just come on up!" she shouts down to me. 

I take two steps at a time to reach her bedroom. Her lips are the first thing I greet when I walk into her room. It nearly knocks me backwards, but I keep my balance not wanting to ruin the moment we are in here and now. She pulls away with her famous smile. I push a strand a hair behind her ear, making her giggle. 

"So tell me," I start, keeping the distance between us at a minimum. The need to have her close is too strong. It is like there is a magnetic force pulling us together. "What does the infamous Havyn Holloway have planned for our night?"

"Sleepover," she corrects me. "Not just night. Sleepover."

"Yeah, I am not saying that."

"Scared of your masculinity?" she asks, smirking. 

"No way in hell."

"Then say sleepover."

"Fine," I groan. "Sleepover. Happy now?"

"Very!" she exclaims, clasping her hands together. "Now grab your keys and let's go."

"Go?" I ask, raising my eyebrows curiously. 

"Are you ready for the best night of your life?" she asks, smirking. 

"Bring it on."

When we walk out the front door, Havyn snatches my keys out of my hands and jumps into the drivers seat. I stand there hesitant of letting her drive my vehicle. I am the only one who has ever drove it, and I am not sure how I feel about someone who is just as reckless as myself behind the wheel. Reluctantly I climb into the passenger seat, unsure of how this is going to go. Havyn turns the key, making the ignition roar to life. She starts flipping through the stations, finally stopping on one of the many pop stations in the area, cranking the volume to a maximum level. My speaks thump, causing the Hummer to shake. As she starts pulling out of the drive, she rolls both of our windows down. I welcome the fresh air, hoping it will settle my nerves.

The second Havyn pulls down Little Rock Drive thirty minutes later, I have a feeling this little trip has something to do with the beach that is another twenty minutes away. The entire way over here, Havyn screams to the top of her lungs to every song that comes on, knowing every single word to each one, therefore I am not surprised the slightest bit when another starts and she begins to sing. I turn my head towards her, watching her with awe. The wind whipping in from outside blows her hair back, giving it a messy look to it, but one that suits her entirely. Her eyes are shining brightly with excitement. Her pearly white smile stays plastered on her face. The laugh escaping from her lips is contagious, making me laugh. My abs hurt from all the laughter. Anytime one of the songs says the word "you", she turns to me and points. All this time I have thought that I need the rush of danger, when all I ever really needed was Havyn Holloway to come into my life. 


The next chapter continues in Havyn's P.O.V. of the sleepover. 

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