Chapter Twenty-One

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Kai's P.O.V.

Not seeing Havyn until literally killed me inside. I am always zoned out during all of my classes, but now all of my thoughts are filled with only one person on mind. When the lunch bell rings, I practically jump out of my seat and head straight to the lunchroom, taking my usual seat at my usual table. Chris and Jaxon walk in laughing about something, both sliding into the seat opposite of me. I ignore them, wanting to keep my eyes fixed on the door. As soon as my perfect storm comes into the lunchroom, my heartbeat picks up. Instead of walking over, Havyn starts running full sprint across the room towards me, face lit up with excitement. She jumps into my lap, wrapping her arms my neck, jumping up and down about to burst.

"Whoa there," I chuckle. "Do you want to tell me what is going on?"

"Finn and Sarah," Havyn says. 

"What about them?" I ask, confused. 

"They are fucking together," she announces, bringing Jax and Chris into the conversation. Their conversation quickly ends and their full attention is on Havyn. I have to admit my full attention was on her too, but then it again, it always is. "How could I have been so oblivious?"

"Are you sure?" I ask. 

"Finn didn't tell either one of us," Jax adds in. 

"And Sarah didn't tell us," Chris joins. 

"Sarah didn't tell us what?" Matt asks, walking up to the table.

Havyn quickly fills him in on the conversation. As Matt opens his mouth to put his two cent in, Sarah and Finn walk into the cafeteria together, hand in hand. I am sure that all of our mouths drop to the ground with shock. Finn shoots me a wink. Sarah smiles sheepishly. 

"First you two," Jaxon starts. "And no you two."

"Well boys," Chris says, looking at Jax and Matt. "It looks like we are loners."

"Oh don't say that," Sarah says, sweetly. "You are all sure to find that special someone sooner or later. Don't give up too early. I am glad I didn't."

Havyn pretends to dry heave, making me laugh. 

"Shut the hell up," Sarah snaps at Havyn, a smirk on her face. 

"So Finny boy is your special someone?" I ask, humor in my tone. 

"You shut the hell up too," Sarah says, wagging her finger towards me. 

Havyn and I throw our hands up together, surrendering. 

"Damn you two are definitely double trouble," Finn says, talking about Havyn and myself. "No wonder everyone at school literally tries to stuff themselves into their own lockers when you two walk by. They are scared out of their fucking minds of getting in your way."

"They should be scared," Havyn says, smirking devilishly. "We are force to be reckoned with and everyone knows it."

I pull Havyn who is still sitting in my lap, tighter to my chest. Our foreheads press each other. Not even caring who is watching, our lips come together with the same passion they had from last night. My mind drifts off last night. I can still remember the way our lips and bodies felt against each other, electrifying and amazing. Last night was hands down the best night of my life. I have had pretty good nights with my friends, but they do not even compare to last night. As I push Havyn's hair to the side, I let my thoughts from last night vanish for now, and return my attention back to reality. My lips press against her ear and that is when I see it.

"You have a tattoo?" I ask, turning her head slightly more to the left to get a better look at it. The ink is black. The tattoo itself is the scene from Peter Pan where all of the children are flying to Neverland together. I run my fingertips over it. "Peter Pan, really?"

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