Chapter Eight

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Kai's P.O.V.

The track is full when I pull in. Thankfully there is enough room to wedge through the business of vehicles, other race bikes and people to park right beside Finn's red Jeep. Jax is leaning against the back with a blonde hanging all over him. Finn on the other hand is no where to be found at the moment, although I am sure he is wherever Demetrius is watching the cash ins. I check the time on my phone. Ten more minutes before line up and still no sight of this girl who is supposedly racing tonight. She probably chickened out. Someone's bony hand clamps down onto my bicep, making me spin around. Brittany Carter is standing their dressed in little too nothing, grinning from ear to ear. She wraps her arms around my waist, pulling herself into me. Just as I am about to tell her to get the hell off of me, a black bike pulls in, one that I have never seen before. Long, curly hair falls out from underneath the helmet. Literally everyone standing around is staring at her, waiting for her to take her helmet off, but she doesn't. 

"Who is that?" Brittany asks, disgustingly. 

"No idea," I mumble, never taking my eyes off of the mystery girl. 

"Probably some little tramp," Brittany cackles. She starts tracing one of her claws around my chest, staring seductively into my eyes. "So what do you say about after this race that you are def going to win, we get out of here. My parents are out of town the entire weekend. We could spend the next couple of days in bed."

My mind drifts back to detention this afternoon when Havyn smashed her lips into mine. I have kissed plenty of girls, but none compares to the way her lips felt on mine. As soon as she pulled away, I instantly wanted her lips back on mine. Maybe all I have to do is talk more often and dare her to shut me up. The air horn blows signaling for all bikers to take position on the track, snapping me from my thoughts. I wiggle out of Brittany's embrace, glad to be away from her. I push my back towards the track, taking my position. Before climbing on, I pull my helmet over my head. The mystery girl who still hasn't took her helmet off is standing right beside me, straddling her bike. Something about her is all too familiar. 

"Ladies and gentlemen," Demetrius begins to announce through the speakers, earning a bunch of yelling from excitement. "It is so good to have all of the racers back here for this Friday night race. Kai Prince is here to defend his seven straight winning streak. We have a new racer joining us tonight as well. Maybe she will give all of these guys a run for their money, who knows. Enough small talk. Who is ready to race?"

All of the us racers give a thumbs up. 

"On the count of three," Demetrius calls. "One... Two... Three!"

I take off, leaving smoke and other racers behind me. When I glance back over my shoulder as I round the first bend, the new biker is surprisingly ahead of three other bikers, who are all behind me. I turn my attention back to the track, loving the rush. Racing pulls me out of reality for a while. The wind whips underneath my helmet, stirring stands of my hair. I round the fifth turn with ease. One more left and I win. I kick up my speed, going from seventy to ninety in two seconds flat. The sixth and final turn is the sharpest. As soon as I safely around it, I can see the finish line where people are jumping around like morons, screaming and shouting. Just as I am about to cross the white line, a black bike zooms past me. 

I press hard on my breaks, coming to a screeching stop. No way in hell did someone just beat me. There is absolutely no fucking way. The black bike turns around, driving back towards us. It is the mystery girl. Immediately she is surrounded by her new fans. I kick the kickstand down and push through the crowd, eager to see who just beat me. The girl is climbing off of the bike when I step into the middle of the circle. When she takes her helmet off, and starts swishing her hair out, my jaw almost drops to the ground.

Standing in front of me is Havyn Holloway, looking as beautiful as ever. 

"We have a new winner!" Demetrius shouts, running into the crowd. He sticks the microphone into Havyn's face. Better watch it buddy, she might kick your ass for getting into her personal space. "Please do tell us gorgeous, who are you?"

"Havyn Holloway!" Havyn's voice echoes through the speakers. 

The crowd goes wild. 

"Kai Prince!" Demetrius yells, spotting me. Havyn's shining eyes meet mine, a smirk spread across her lips, her perfectly carved lips. Damn, what is wrong with me? "How does it feel to lose to Ms. Havyn Holloway here?"

"I would rather lose to her than any of those other losers," I say through the microwave, getting laughs from the people circling us. Havyn's smirk is replaced with a real, bright smile. I shoot her a wink. "She earned it."

Havyn walks around Demetrius and straight up to me. My breath catches at how close she is. The feelings I am experiencing are new. Everyone standing around stays completely focused on the two us, watching our every move. I want so badly to cup her face and bring her lips into mine, but I resist. The moon hits her eyes, making them sparkle, drawing me even closer to her. Someone says something about sexual tension, but we both ignore the comment, only paying attention to each other. The only things that snaps me from her beauty is the blue and red lights in the distance, speeding towards us.

"Cops!" someone shouts.

Everyone starts pushing past everyone, racing to their vehicles to escape. Havyn and I both watch the hustling and bustling of the craziness, smirks on our faces. At the same time we both hop onto our bikes, sticking out helmets back on, and race in the opposite direction. We drive fast down an old back road, turning left and right here and there. I find myself stealing glances at her. The wind is whipping her hair behind her. Once I am sure that we are clear of the cops, I pull over on the side of the road. Havyn pulls her bike beside mine. 

"What a rush!" she exclaims. "I should run from cops more often!"

I shake my head, chuckling. 


Love, love, love where this is going. What about you guys? 


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