Chapter Fourteen

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Havyn's P.O.V.

When Kai finally parks in front of my house, he walks around and opens my door. I jump out on two feet, landing right in front of him. Without even realizing what I am doing, my hand connects to Kai's cheek, causing him to stumble backwards slightly. A red hand print immediately surfaces to the top of his skin. I should feel bad, but I don't. Kai deserves it all after being the asshole that he truly is. He deserves all the cussing, harsh words, slapping, and any other thing I choose to say or do to him. I realize how close we are, so I take a step back, wanting, no needing to put distance between the two us. Saying that I wanted to put the space between us would be a lie. I want him close to me. I want to feel his touch again. I want his lips back on mine. Damn it, snap out of it, Havyn. 

"Havyn," Kai whispers, softly. 

The butterflies that erupt through my stomach every time he says my name fly back. 

"What?" I ask, hoarsely. 

Oh god, I let him see me cry. 

"Please forgive me," he says, hurt swimming in his brown orbs. 

"Why should I?" I ask. 

"I don't have any reason for you to," he states honestly. "I was an asshole. You were just trying to be there for me Monday and I was a complete jerk about the entire situation. I was just so angry after finding out that Griffin was back in town, and then you walked away pissed at me, which only made me even madder at myself. I wanted to run after you. I only wanted you around me in that moment. Brittany just happened to show up and be there. I didn't even want her kiss. I actually despise her. I told her to leave me the hell alone, but like always she took that another way. You walked in right when I was going to push her away."

Don't cave...not yet anyways. 

"What about tonight?" I ask, thinking back to Brittany's lips on Kai's. 

Even thinking about it tears me up inside. 

"I thought you hated me," he whispers, leaning against his hummer now. He runs his hairs through his  hair and lets out a long sigh. "I have always been the type of person to not give a damn about anything. That all changed in detention on the first day back. I always thought all the stupid shit I did before got my heart racing, but then you came along with your crazy antics and smart ass mouth. When I thought that you didn't want anything to do with me anymore, I literally didn't care about anything anymore."

"What are you saying?" I ask, warily. 

Kai steps away from his Hummer so that he is standing directly in front of me. 

"I am saying that I need you," he whispers, pain in his words. "I need you, Havyn Holloway."

 I throw my arms around his neck suddenly, squeezing tightly. I think I throw him off guard a little, because he sort of staggers backwards before wrapping his own strong arms around my torso, pulling me close to him. He buries his face into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply. Car lights pulling into the drive catch me off guard. The silver Mercedes comes screeching to a stop right in beside Kai's truck. 

"You need to leave," I quickly say, shoving Kai towards the driver door.

"Why?" he asks, looking at the car. "Who is that?"

"My Father," I say, through gritted teeth. "Please go."

"I won't leave unless I know everything is going to be okay," he says, intertwining his fingers with mine. 

"I will be fine," I say, stroking his cheek with the back of my hand. "Now please go."

Kai presses his lips onto mine before climbing into his truck and speeding away. When my Father gets out of his car, I can already smell the alcohol on him. A beer bottle is in his right hand. Drinking and driving. That's ironic. As he approaches me, I can practically feel the anger radiating off of him. I step backwards, knowing that what is coming isn't go to be good. He staggers a little to his left, but quickly regains his balance. 

A punch to the gut sends me doubling over, gasping for the air that was just literally knocked out of my lungs. The slap to the left cheek is anticipated, so I accept the blow. Now the fist to the eye, I was not expecting that at all, so when it comes, I fall backwards onto the concrete, my head hitting first. I feel the crack even before I feel the blood seeping through my hair. I manage to push myself off of the ground, grasping the back of my head.

"I hope Mom sees what she left me with," I hiss, earning a slap across my right cheek. "You are a monster and a sorry excuse for a man. I don't know how she ever loved someone so menacing, someone so completely evil."

"Shut up," my Father snaps. "She is dead because of you."

The words cut me like a knife. It is not that I have never heard him say it many times before. It is just that the words always send me into a downward spiral. I don't even realize that I am crying until the salty droplet seeps through my lips. My body is shaking out of pain and sorrow. 

"I hate you," he hisses. "I wish you were the one in the ground."

"I wish that every fucking morning and every night!" I shout, barely able to breathe. "If she could see you right now, she wouldn't want anything to do with you. You are a sorry excuse of a man, Mark. Instead of being a Father, you are an abuser."

A punch to my right cheek sends me back to the ground. The kick to my back causes me to scream out in pain. I curl myself into a ball, hugging onto my knees tightly, waiting for the next blow, but it doesn't come. I listen to Mark climb back into his car and speed away, leaving me hurt and bleeding on the ground. The heavy sobs come out, making it hard to breathe. My lungs scream for oxygen, so I give them what they need, even if I am wishing they wouldn't receive the air. In this moment I just want all of the pain and the lies to stop. I want to die. 

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