Chapter Three

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Havyn's P.O.V. 

When the final bell rings dismissing last period, I let out a sigh of relief, but then realize I have attention for the rest of the week. Stupid Mr. Richards, stupid Mrs. Fisher, and stupid Kai. Sarah, Chris, and Matt are leaning against my locker when I walk around the corner, patiently waiting on me. Since Sarah's back is turned to me, I hold my finger to my lips, beckoning the guys to be quiet. They continue their conversation with Sarah and act as if I am not even there. I scream to the top of my lungs, making her scream to the top of her lungs even louder. Her books go flying into the air, scattering the floor. I throw my head back laughing, joined by Chris and Matt. 

"I hate you," Sarah mumbles, snatching her books off of the ground.

"I love you, too," I giggle. 

She punches my playfully in the shoulder. I wince in pain, pretending her blow hurt so she feels as if she got the revenge I am sure she was looking for me. A satisfied smile plasters across her face. They all offer to walk me to detention, but I most certainly know the way on my own. I wave goodbye and skip away. I follow the long hallway to the end where a set of stairs leads to the sub-level. I follow the twisting stairs to the very bottom. Like always the light that is supposed to be illuminating the hallway is busted. 

I start mumbling the words to a song to myself, my words echoing off of the concrete walls. Loving the echo, I sing hum louder and louder, that is until Mr. Richards head sticks out of the door to room detention is always being held, frowning. I pretend to zip my mouth and throw away the key, earning an evil glare. Geez. When I walk into the room, Kai is the only other person in the room. He is sitting in the very back of the room, looking bored out of his mind. Mr. Richards points to a desk on the complete opposite side of the room. I take my seat and take out my homework. I begin to hum the same tune from earlier, tapping my pencil onto the wooden desk to create a small beat. Kai and Mr. Richards snap their heads in my direction, seeming annoyed. I throw my hands up in mock surrender. Two more hours and I am out of here.

"I have to run to a staff conference," Mr. Richards announces, walking towards the door. "I will be back in about an hour and a half, maybe even sooner. Do not move one muscle while I am gone, and just to make sure you don't, I will be locking the door from the outside to make sure you two trouble makers go no where."

"I am pretty sure that is illegal," I call out.

"Do you ever shut your mouth?" Mr. Richards asks.

"Never," I shake my head. 

"Shut up and do your homework," Mr. Richards snaps. "I will be back shortly."

Mr. Richards walks out of the room and sure enough locks the door from the outside, taking the key with him. As soon as I know that he is no longer around, I kick my feet onto the desk and plug my earphones in my phone, blasting music. I close my eyes and bounce my head back and forth to the beat, savoring each second. Music is and always has been a big part of my life. My Mom loved music, so I grew up learning to. When the third song starts playing, my earphones are snatched violently out of my ears.

"What the hell?" I ask, opening my eyes to find Kai standing directly in front of me.

"You were screaming," Kai snaps, rubbing his temples. 

"Oops, my bad."

"Yeah, it is your bad."

"Geez, what crawled up your ass and died?" I mumbled to myself. 

"What did you just say?" he asks, angrily. 

"I said that you have a nice ass," I lie. 

He stares at me, speechless. Without another word he walks back across the room and falls back down into his seat with a heavy sigh. Alone in a room with the infamous Kai Prince, Bad Boy. This is certainly going to be fun. I jump out of my seat, leaving my phone on the desk. I walk around the seats, sitting on the top of Kai's. We are eye level now. He stares at me with his arms crossed over his chest looking rather ill. A smirk dances on my lips, knowing that I get to him this much. Lets just see how far I can get. 

"I'm bored," I sigh.

"Not my problem," he mutters.

"Lets do something fun," I perk up.




"Please," I beg again. 

"No," he says, bluntly.

"No," I say quickly. 

"Please," he responds. 

"Aha!" I exclaim, excited. 

"You tricked me," he says, looking angry because of losing.

I cross my own arms over my chest, imitating Kai. I press my lips out a little just as he is doing. Out of no where he stands up, and I almost fall over with the desk, but luckily I jump up just in time. I snap my head towards him, now not in the best of moods. So he wants to play dirty. I can play dirty. I jump onto his back as he walks away from him, making him lose his balance and topple over. My fall breaks thanks to his soft back. He growls. As he starts pushing himself off of the ground, I wrap my arms tightly around his torso, refusing to let go. Even with me hanging on like a sloth, he still manages to stand with ease.

"Get off," he grumbles.



"Do something fun with me," I say, still holding on. 

"What could we possibly do in here?" he asks. "We are locked in."

"Let's play truth or dare," I say, piking up at the idea. 


I finally release my tight grip on him, falling back down onto my feet. I grab his forearm and pull him over to Mr. Richards desk, forcing him to sit down in the chair while I climb onto the desk. I let my feet rest in his lap, which he refuses at first, but after minutes of arguing he caves. I silently give myself one point. 

"Are we going to do this or not?" he asks. 

"It's according," I say, twirling a strand of my hair around my finger. 

"On what?" he asks, curiously. 

"If you can handle me."

"Bring it," he says, confidently.


I am so tired right now, but I still going to try and finish at least the next chapter, which is going to continue in detention, but of course in Kai's point of view. I really hope that you are all liking what you read so far. Like, comment, give suggestions.


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