Chapter Five

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Havyn's P.O.V.

The next morning I wake up to a loud band. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know that my Father is home for one his "visits". I jump out of bed, running across the room quietly to lock the door. As quickly as possible I start to get ready. I throw my hair into a messy bun and apply very little makeup. In my closet I squeeze into a pair of ripped jeans, rolling them up at the ankles like a pair of boyfriend jeans would look. I snatch a loose, gray tee over my head. Just as I am slipping my light brown moccasins onto my feet, my Dad starts banging on my door, demanding me to open the door at once. There is no escaping the inevitable. I take a deep, shaky breath and open the door.

"Hello daughter," my Dad says, smelling strongly of booze. "I thought I told you not to lock this door again."

"Dad," I whisper, hoarsely. "I am sorry about locking the door. I forgot to unlock it last night after I got out of shower. It won't happen again."

"It better not," he spits.

"Look I would love to stay and catch up, or do whatever we do when you come home, but I have to get to school. Homeroom starts soon and I don't want to be late."

As I try to push past him he grabs on roughly to my wrist, squeezing tightly. I grit my teeth together. Instead of trying to snatch my hand free, I freeze. If I know anything, it is to never try to escape from my Father's grasp. It will only makes things way worse for me. I back track, stopping right in front of the man that I hate with a passion.

"You do not leave until I tell you to," Dad snaps.

I nod my head.

"You're hurting me," I say, softly. "Please let go."

He squeezes harder.

"Oh, you want me to let you go?" he asks, viciously.


He throws my hand back to my side. Just when I think the abuse is over, he shoves me backwards, hard. I stumble backwards, tripping over my fur rug. My body falls backwards, my head hitting the corner of my wooden storage container at the end of my bed. Thankfully there is no blood and only a headache. My Father walks away laughing. When I glance down at my wrist, there is already a bruise forming, one in the same exact shape of my ass hole of a Dad's hand. I push myself off of the ground, grab the little dignity I have left, and storm out of the house.

I drive ninety miles an hour all the way to school, running every red light. If there is one positive thing about being the daughter of a famous attorney's daughter, it's that no cop ever dares to pull any car with my Dad's name on the registration. A lot of people fear his power around here. I practically turn on two wheels into Eastside's parking lot. Every head snaps in my direction as I climb out of the car, just as they always do. Today is not my day, so all the staring is only making my blood boil with rage.

"Is there a problem?" I ask, loudly.

All of the heads quickly look away, probably scarred of the fire burning in my eyes. I march into the school, pushing past the people who haven't noticed me coming through. One girl turns around to snap at me, that is until she realizes it is me. She quickly steps out of the way. Good decision. I continue my rampage to my locker.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or is Havyn Holloway really at school on time?" Chris says, walking up from behind me.

I slam the door to my locker.

"Is everything okay?" Sarah asks, joining in the conversation.

"Guys, guys, I just ran into Sam in the parking lot and he said that Havyn is here and she is beyond pissed off to-," Matt says, stopping his sentence as soon as he notices me standing there. I raise my eyebrows at him. "Oh, hey there Havyn. Is everything okay?"

"I swear on my fucking life if someone asks me that again, I will blow a gasket," I snap, team practically rolling off of me.

All three of my friends slowly back away with their hands held high in the air. I try not to laugh at their faces, but it is nearly impossible with how terrified they look right now. I know they are only putting on a show to try to turn my spirits around. It's working like always. I chuckle softly, slightly less moody than just a minute ago.

"There is my favorite Havyn," Matt coos, scooping me into a deathlike grip.

"I really should consider switching friends."

Matt and I step away from each other, finding Jaxon, Matt's twin brother, standing there. It really is uncanny at how much the two resemble each other. Both have the same dirty blonde hair that falls into their faces, covering their ocean blue eyes. The only major difference between the two is their personalities. They are literally polar opposites. Don't get me wrong, both brothers love to get into trouble, but while Matt is a sweet, laid back guy, Jaxon is a complete jack ass. Matt rolls his eyes at his brother.

"Sorry there is no room," Matt says, smiling.

"But there are only four of you," Jaxon points out. "So there should be plenty of room for one just one more person."

I step forward, crossing my arms over my chest with a serious look on my face. I begin to circle Jaxon like a predator stalks its prey. He starts to squirm under my gaze, which is obviously making him a tad bit uncomfortable.

"You don't fit our application," I smirk. "Try again in two weeks."

Jaxon huffs his breath. "I was just joking. I have my own friends."

This time I roll my eyes.

"Speaking of your friends, where are they?" I ask.

Jaxon looks past me down the hallway and grins. I look over my shoulder. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Kai's eyes meet mine, a solid look bored onto his face. Finn walks right beside him laughing rather loudly about something. Kai throws him a nasty glance. They walk straight towards us. Every other student not associated with all of us looks terrified that we are all standing together. Some look like it is the end of the world and it depends on their life to go hide away. I find their morbid looks rather hilarious.

"What's so funny?" Jaxon asks Finn.

Finn flips his phone screen around towards us, still laughing. The picture of Kai that I posted yesterday is there. Jaxon throws his head back laughing, barely able to breathe. Chris, Matt, and Sarah all join in on the teasing of Kai Prince. I sit back with a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, silently high fiving myself for the hundredth time. I don't think Mr. Prince will ever live down the humiliation. Kai snatches the phone from Finn's hands.

"If you show one more fucking person, I will kill you," Kai threatens.

"Whoever took that picture is a genius," I say, smirking. "Besides I think the red really goes with your skin color. You look absolutely stunning, Kai."

"Shut up," he snaps. "This is your fault."

"Aw, is the little princess upset?" I ask, pinching Kai's cheek.

Kai grabs my wrist, the same one my Father grabbed earlier, making me wince. I snatch my hand free, angrily. He looks at me suspiciously and then at back at my wrist. It is still red from this morning, but I am sure the bruise will be black and blue in the morning.

"Holy shit," he mutters. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to grab you that hard."

I snap my eyes towards his.

"You didn't do it," I whisper, sharply.

Images of this morning flood through my mind.

"Wait, then who did?" he asks.

"None of your business," I snap.

I turn away quickly, letting my hair slap him in the face, and storm away. Only one person knows about my Father and the abuse, and that is Sarah. I am sure she is going to be drilling me for answers sooner or later today after this. Just the thought of her begging me to call the cops makes me want to crawl into a ball and die. Dying would be so much easier than dealing with the shit I go through on a daily basis. I shake off the horrible thoughts of even considering death. 


Things are starting to get a little spicy....

What do you all think so far??


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