Chapter 4. Phony

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"Lucy, why don't you invite Natsu over?" Layla asked her. Lucy was doing her homework in the kitchen while her Dad was cooking dinner.
"What? For dinner? Tomorrow?" Lucy asked her. She was taken back and looked up at her mother. Lucy had blond hair into a messy bun and had a pencil stuck in it. But Layla had her hair curled and make-up on. They were probably going to go out on a date.
"Yeah, why not? I'm just worried about him not being raised by werewolves. We could talk about stuff he wants to know about and..." Layla said.
"I'll try but I don't know if he's going to say yes." Lucy went back to doing her homework.
"Thanks, love," Layla said.


Levy walked through the woods by herself. She wasn't a kid anymore so she could go in by herself without getting into trouble. She had her earphones tucked into her ears and she was cosy inside of her coat. She loved walking in the woods in the dark, it made it more like a fantasy. She loved reading so this atmosphere was perfect. She could smell all the wet leaves and mud. She was listening to a famous band in the village, Gajeel's, and heard a growl. She turned around to try and look for who or what made the growl. She saw a fallen tree and saw amber eyes looking right at her. She took her phone out and took a picture. She had forgotten she had flash on and the 'monster' ran away.


Lucy walked into school with Natsu. In the corridor, on the windows, were posters of a wolf. She ripped one off the window and shoved it at Natsu for him to look. "The monster or friend?" He read out loud. He exhaled heavily and they walked into their form room to see everyone mucking about.
"Hey, Levy! Did you really see this?" Laki asked Levy.
"Yeah! It was really creepy!" Levy shuddered.
"We all know it's fake! It could be photoshopped!" Laxus yelled to the class. The class murmured at this new view of the picture.
"I have the original, raw picture in our club room in the camera!" Levy announced. Natsu fled.
"Come on, show it!" Evergreen pressed. Levy began to walk away from the classroom and to the club room. Laxus and his friends had followed her. She went up to the camera she had used and looked at the screen in shock.
"The memory stick is gone," She whispered.
"I told you it was fake!" Laxus laughed. The laugh echoed through the halls. He ran off with his friends to tell the whole class. Lucy ran up to Levy and slowly got caught up by Natsu and Gray.
"Levy, calm down!" Lucy soothed her.
"No, I can't! Lucy, they believed me! For the first time, they had believed me! I have to now get a new photo that might take years to!" Levy yelled at her.
"It's okay, I'll help and try to find the old one..." Lucy said.


Levy walked the halls as everyone laughed at her. She didn't know why they were laughing this much. Something was up. She arrived outside and seen Laxus and his friends laughing at something. They had turned around to see her and laughed even harder. Levy spotted Freed holding a piece of paper. She grabbed it out of his hands and saw it. 'Crybaby of the moors' It read. The wolf had been replaced with a picture of her face. Levy ran to the other side of the school where no one really knew about. It had a tree growing from a boulder and the place was dark because of the vines. Students thought it was an off limits place since it was connected to the woods. She leaned against the boulder and began to cry.


Natsu was hanging around the school. He smelt a scent, Levy's. He followed the scent to the back of the school and saw the vines. He could definitely her behind the vines. He could hear her sniffing and he could hear the teardrops fall and land on the leaves. He made his way through the vines and sat next to her. It took her a moment to realize that he was there. "Natsu, you can go..." Levy sniffled.
"No, it's not nice to be accused of lying, is it?" Natsu asked her.
"No, but I understand. Maybe I am just chasing something that never existed. That could have been a badger or something..." Levy sighed.
"No," Natsu said quickly, "You should carry on searching for it! And here, I found it in the halls. It almost got trodded on." Natsu lied. He gave Levy the memory stick and she took it.
"Thanks, you're a good friend," Levy smiled.
"Here, chocolate," Natsu gave it to Levy. She took it and frowned at the ingredients, "My parents are vegetarians...".


"Maddy, honey, what's wrong?" Layla asked Lucy. Lucy was laying on her bed and was staring at the ceiling with a sad expression.
"I don't like lying to my friends. I just want to tell them that I'm a werewolf! But then what?" Lucy asked her mom.
"You have Natsu, he knows the secret. So stop moping around and eat dinner! It chicken!" Layla laughed. Layla left Lucy to think in her room. She wasn't satisfied with her answer. Natsu was one of them so she needed at least one human to know or she'll go crazy. But then the human would blab on about them! She needed to keep this secret. To keep her safe. To keep her parents safe. Natsu safe. Every werewolf safe. The secret had to be kept, no matter how bad she felt about lying.


"My parents wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow. Wanna come? They want to talk about things you want to know about and wolfing out..." Lucy asked Natsu. They were in the lunch line. Monday. Monday was no meat Monday. Natsu was staring at the food in disgust. Peas. Broccoli. Carrots.
"Do you know what's for lunch?" Natsu asked her, impatient. Meat. He was craving it.
"It's no meat day today! You know, you could come over tonight for dinner. We have turkey!" Lucy did jazz hands.
"Really? Sure! I want to go," He said and looked over at the lunch, "I can't look at another vegetable." He said and walked out the line.


"Lucy, Gray, do you want to help me get pictures of the monster tonight?" Levy asked them. Natsu was going to be late to form time and was running through the woods.
"Sorry, I have a family dinner..." Lucy said.
"Can't you get out of it?" Levy pressed.
"No, sorry!" Lucy apologized.
"Well, I can!" Gray raised his hand near his ear.
"Well done, meet me at my house at 7:30!" Levy laughed. Natsu ran into the class with red cheeks and sweat on his forehead. He made his way to sit next to Lucy and wiped the sweat off.

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