Chapter 15. Good Or Bad?

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Natsu finally caught up with Lucy after the end of day bell rang. "When this happened to me, the thing I did was run, it works!" Natsu said to her as they became level. Natsu could smell the new scents she was trying on...
Pineapple and mango...
He liked it when she was wearing strawberry and vanilla. It made her seem innocent and sweet. "Okay, then. Let's do it!" Lucy smiled at him.
"What, now?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah, I'm nkt going to no detention!" Luch laughed as she ran ahead of him. Natsu sighed as he ran after her. He seemed to like this new Lucy. Making he own rules, breaking old ones...
She was turning into him but he didn't seem to notice. They went through the small rip in the fence and ran. Lucy remembered the feeling of her first transformation at the island, she felt free like right now. She could feel rhe new her slipping out of her hands. But she managed to hold on and have fun.


Levy was in the IT building on a computer. She had searched up stuff about werewolves. She was sure that these were side affects of the full moon. And she was right. The site said that they might have a sudden change in behaviour and become arratic.


"Look, I get it. But normal people don't do what you are doing now." Natsu said. He knew he had to be the sensible one in this situation since the old Lucy was long gone. "When this is over, you're gonna want tk get your friends back." Natsu said. Lucy turned around to look at him in the eyes.
"I got friends, thanks. And if you keep giving me this sappy advise, you won't be mine?" She growled. Natsu raised his hands up on defence.
"This is your advice and you should listen to it," Natsu said.
"You never do."


Lucy tip toed through the house. Any noise would make her parent hear. She finally arrived at the kitchen and now she just had to get to the door. "You can tak the make up off, young lady." Layla said.
"But-" Lucy said.
"You. Go. Now!" Layla said. Lucy sighed in fustration as she backed away.


"Bickslow is coming to your birthday," Lucy said to Lisanna. All she had to do was sweet talk him into it. "He said he's bringing a few mates over.".
"Does't matter! Thanks!" Lisanna said.
"You're invited as well. Even your friends." Evergreen said.
"Her house." Flare smirked.


Lucy stopped in the middle of the halls and tucked her hair behind her ears. "I wet the bed last night.....don't tell anyone..." A girl said. Natsu had heard and he shook his head as be went backwards into the doors. Lucy walked into the empty girls bathroom and wrote stuff down with perment marker.


"I wonder what Natsu had that I don't..." Gray murmured. He had tried everything to get Lucy to go out with him but nothing worked.
"Maybe he carries around a bag of chew toys." Levy mutters and Gray rolled his eyes. They were in the cafe late at night.
"I have an idea. Girls are like buses. They come along every five minutes. Ask her out and if she says no, theres another girl." Mira said.
"You're a girl, she must be right." Gray said.
"And I'm not?" Levy asked. Mira raised her eyebrows as she cleaned the counter.


Natsu walked the corridors to find Lucy. He heard a girl crying from something Lucy had done to them. This was going too far. He walked into the photography room and saw her with Lisanna. "I need to speak to you." Natsu said. Both girls looked at him.
"It would be my pleasure!" Lisanna gushed.
"I mean Lucy." Natsu said. Lisanna poit2ed as she walked oit the room.


"I can do this!" Gray said. Levy gave him a thumbs up before he walked into the club room. He opened the door and saw the one thing that he didn't want to see. Natsu had his forehead on her's and they were gazing into eachother's eyes. Gray scowled as he slammed the door shut.



Now look at what you done!" Natsh yelled at Lucy.
"What did I do?" Lucy asked innocently.
"You made Gray think we're datin-" Natsu said.
"What's the problem with that? I don't likd him anyways and don't you like me?" Lucy asked. Natsu knew it wasn't Lucy talking sk he couldn't stop and flirt. But he was kind of glad that she didn't like Gray like that.
"It doesn't matter! You're making Levy sure that you're a werewolf!" Natsu snarled at her.
"I don't care! You're always saying that I should embrace being a werewolf!" Lucy growled.


Levy could hear growls and snarls through the door. She needed the get in there and see if Lucy was a werewolf.


Natsu could hear the door unlocking through their growing. "Lucy, the door!" Natsu said as he pushed Lucy back. The door unlocked and Levy opened it.
"We're you easedropping? Flare's right, you are a freak!"


"We're going to that party!" Levy said to Gray.
"Ugh! Why! Not only is my heart broken but you make me do something that cruel!" Gray moped.
"I can prove she is a werewolf if we go!" Levy said.
"Fat chance. Anyways, I don't want to see Lucy and Natsu flirt..." Gray chocked out.
"Stop moping! Get out so I can change." Levy said.


"Dad! I have to go!" Lucy cried. Her parents had locked her down in the Den since she had tried to sneak out. This meant she was grounded and it was first time. She didn't know what to fo exactly but she jnew she had to break out. She remembered the night before meeting Natsu, the night her parents broke out. She climbed the walls up. She didn't have to be in wolf form to climb up the wall. She had went to summer camp with her friends last summer. She held onto the ledge as she pushed open the latch.


Levy and Gray sat at the stairs and waited for Lucy to arrive. Gray had been staring and glaring Natsu for a while. Natsu could sense it happening and he felt uncomfortable. He had only been here for a month and a half and he did develop some feelings for Lucy but didn't expect Gray to pick it up so quickly and react this way. Natsu wasn't even sure if he did show his feelings. Lucy pushed the door open and barged in. The door had pushed someone and made them tumble into Lisanna making her fall down. Lisanna screamed as someone dropped a drink on her. It was then that Lucy realised that she was doing everything wrong. She remembered what her parents said about this. 'When you get past your first transformation you will go through some changes. It would determine who you would be and if you can get past it, you're good. It would stop at a random time to test which side you're on.'.


Lucy ran after Lisanna and they talks it out. "Don't worry, I don't even like Bickslow. I have my eye on someone else..." Lucy bit her lip as they looked at Natsu. Natsu could hear what they were talking about and he felt happy.
"I understand," Lisanna said.


Werewolves | Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora