Chapter 9. Exams

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In the girls restrooms were Lisanna and Laki, doing their make-up. They were trying to get their minds over what had happened but no amount of make-up helped. Flare had walked in and started to fix her hair. "What happened to you back there?" Lisanna asked her. Flare tucked a lock of her long, red hair being her ear.
"You know, I actually understand what the teacher tells me. Why don't I put my hand up?" Flare asked. She never knew why. Was it because of her reputation?
"So...?" Laki asked her.
"This might sound coo coo but I need Levy McGarden!" Flare.
"Whatever, but don't be going all 'I'm smarter than you!'" Lisanna rolled her eyes. All of their lives at school, they were meant to be airheads. They wouldn't know what the teachers were talking about or knew how to spell the easiest words. It would all be gibberish to them. They would have to treat her differently since she was, actually, going to put effort into her education.


Lucy ran to the field at a humanly speed--only because of the bystanders. She wanted to run there as fast as she could but that would seem strange. "Gray! I'm so sorry! I was stre--" Lucy said. She had noticed that Gray walked passed her and ignored her. "We could study tonight for tomorrows test!" Lucy said. Gray had frozen his tracks and looked at her. His eyes were cold and he felt betrayed. He had a crush on her for years but she didn't seem to even notice. The thing that made it worse was that she ran off with someone she only knew for a few weeks. She had known Gray for most of her life and she chose someone else?
"Shut it, Lucy! I don't need your help! Just-Just go away!" Gray yelled at her. Lucy was shocked for words. She had never been yelled at before from her friends. She could take lectures from a teacher for breaking stuff with her strength. She could take her parents grounding her--which was really rare. She could take anything head on but this was something she couldn't do. Instead, she ran away. First time in her life she had run away from her problems. She was changing and she didn't like it.


All of 8C were in Fairy hall. All the buildings in the school were named after mythical creatures. Every student sat at a table each with their names on it. Next to Lucy was Natsu and he was next to a fire alarm. The reading test papers were in front of her and the teacher was talking about the rules. " cell phones in here! If we catch any of them here, they would be in student reception until the end of the day. They lucky students would have placed it in their lockers or in this blue box. There will be a timer for exactly one hour! We have taken the students with dyslexia out for help in reading in the opposite hall! You may start!" The teacher said. Every student opened the reading booklet and started to read. Gray had been in the opposite hall but Lucy and Natsu could hear him struggling from their seats. Lucy could hear all the students pens scribbling answers in the answer booklet. Every now and again, her head would be in pain. The words on her booklet were getting fuzzy. She flicked to the next page, hoping to get a better sense of what the words meant. Natsu had seen her struggling. He couldn't rush up to help her or anything. Lucy pretended to drop her pen under the table, she was smart. She went under the table as the teachers walked away from her direction. She could feel her eyes turning amber so she shut her eyes. All her veins were turning black and she knew it. She could see it from her wrists. Natsu couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and ran to the fire alarm. He raised the glass and the alarm went off. "Everyone, calm down! Go outside in a single file! Natsu, I believe you have something to say!" The teacher yelled.


Natsu had arrived outside and went behind Lucy. She had calmed down and all the stress was gone. She should have listened to her mother and not have come to school at all. Levy had stalked over from the front of the line to the back. "You! Just because you, Natsu Dragneel, don't want to put any effort into these exams, doesn't mean we want the same! What you did was out of context and you should be suspended for doing that! You had no right to do that!" Levy had yelled at him. Lucy couldn't help but feel guilty. She was the reason he had done it. She wanted to tell Levy but what would she say? That she was turning into a wolf? It would be terrible either way.
"Levy! Shut up! You had no right in saying that!" Lucy yelled.
"Yes, I do. You have been treating Gray like dirt ever since he came! All you do is spend time with him!" Levy yelled at her.
"I have a life you know! I have other stuff to do than babysitting Gray!" She shrieked. The whole school was quiet and was listening. Lucy had noticed Gray, at the front, was hurt. He had been listening to their whole conversation.
"When you want to join the rest of the human race, you'll know where to find us," Levy said before walking to the front.
"You didn't need to do that, ya' know," Natsu said. He felt happy that Gray and Lucy were in a fight. It was a sense of relief. He didn't know why he felt that way but he did.


Gray was at the front with Laxus. Laxus was smirking and Gray knew why. This was the perfect moment. "So, I bet you are in on the plan?" Laxus asked. He was certain that he would say yes now. After what had happened, there was nothing tying him down. He was free.
"Yeah, I'm in." Gray nodded.
"Great, we have a free period right now since the test is postponed. Come on, I told you where the papers were, get your camera!" Laxus patted his back.


Laxus and Gray walked up the stairs to the office. Gray went in while Laxus stayed outside to be the lookout. Gray fumbled through the drawer to find the papers. He found all of them and shot photos of them. All the answers for passing every other exam were in his hands.


"So what happened back there, Dragneel?" Mr. Makarov asked Natsu. They were walking the halls to his office. Natsu had to think of an excuse that would make him stop asking questions. And he had to think fast.
"The room was...swirling," Natsu said.
"Swirling?" Makarov turned to face him.
"Yes, swirling," Makarov had not seen the uncertainty in his voice or expression.
"I don't think the headteacher needs to get involved in this...but you still have a detention, come in my room. I have a slip for your parents to tell them what had happened, come to my office," They had started to walk. They had arrived at his office. Makarov went to the side to get a slip. Natsu smelt something familiar. Ice and junk food. It was Gray.


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