How do you plead?

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Cold. Dark. Damp. The only words I can use to describe the cell I'm in or should I say box. I look at my surroundings a only to see a faint outline of a bucket, for when I need to go I presume, and a damp blob in the corner that looks an awful lot like blood, great just great I think to myself. As I continue to strain to actually see something I hear heavy boots and metal keys rattle in the small key hole and try to move forward but find my hands tied back by chains. Shit. I hear the steps get closer and closer till I hear a click and light beaming into my eyes following it, I squeeze my eyes shut trying to cover the burning feeling and when I finally open them and adjust to the light I see him. His Long dark mop like hair, dark eyebrows drawn together with brown eyes underneath them, his lips kept straight showing no emotion and stubble surround his face. James.
"Natalia alinova romanov you are charged with multiple crimes against your nation and fellow comrades in the red room how do you plead?"
"James listen to me you don't want-"
I get interrupted by his fist flying into my stomach, I cough and look back into his eyes
"How do you plead?" He says again not changing his tone not changing his emotion, but I couldn't answer because all I could think about was Steve, he's just found out his best friend is back, again, and has gone back to working for the red room and hydra, although you can't blame him his brain has been messed with so much I'm surprised he is not crazy as a bag of cats.
"How do you plead?" He says again angry and impatient
"Not guilty" I say and he gives me a strange look of disbelief almost, like remembers something
"You can at least recognise me" I say and his glance softens, confused almost, but then a second lasted he returns to his normal hard gaze and looks at me like I'm his worst enemy
"Only speak when spoken too" he shouts as he punches me in the ribs I feel a crack and let out a whimper and a groan
"Weak" he spits in my face as he leaves turning the light out leaving me engulfed in darkness. Alone. But with everyone watching, including steve.

A/N short little cheaper hope you like but sorry for such a late update hoping a new chapter will come very soon but thanks for sticking with my guys love ya all! x

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