Chapter 9: Date Night

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*Tyler's POV*

 "So..." Sam starts off saying after I paid for our tickets. "Which ride do you want to go on first?"

 "You're my date for tonight, so why don't you choose... Sam what are you doing?" I say as I watch her look around like a mad woman.

 "I'm looking for anyone I know. Don't say the 'D' word out loud. Someone might hear you and then.... I don't want to think about what would happen next." She says giving me a stern look.

The 'D' word? What does she mean by that? There are many 'D' words I know of.

 "By 'D' word do you mean date?" I ask quite devilishly I might add.

 "Yes I do. Now will you please stop."

 "Whatever you say, but let's go on the Gravatron first. It is the best ride they've got." I say leading the way for her.

 "What is this ride?" she ask as we make our way to the rather long line.

 "You don't know what this ride is?"

"If I did, do you think I would be asking you that question?" She retorts. Dang, someone is very sassy.

Seeing that this is a perfect time to embarrass Sam I go for it.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen," I say trying to get the attention from people in line, " My naive date over here has absolutely no idea what the Gravatron is. May someone please explain it to her. Thank you. God bless."

Looking down at Sam I couldn't help but to start laughing. If looks could kill right now, I would be long gone. I could actually imagine her trying to kill me.

Most of the people in the line in front of us turn around to look at us and Sam. No one replies though and faces back forward probably thinking we were just stupid teens. Not that they are wrong.

"Samantha, is that you?" I hear a girl yell quite loudly from the group of people in front of us. I look around to see where the voice came from to see a tall red-head coming our way.

"Crap. Crap. Crap..." Sam says to herself. I chuckled at her comment. I didn't think anyone from our school would actually be here. The girl smiles at Sam and pulls her into a tight hug practically suffocating her. They exchange a silent conversation using facial expressions, then turns to me as if acknowledging me for the first time.

"Hi, I'm Erica." She says with a grin stretched far across her face. "James, right?"

James? I look nothing like James. I look at Sam from the corner of my eyes and I see she is laughing quietly to herself. I thought everyone knew who I was... I guess I was wrong.

"James is my friend, I'm Tyler." I say as kindly as I can.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry. Samantha over here would talk about you and I guess your name slipped out of my mind. So are you two dating?" She says still giddy, almost devilishly.

So I am right! She does talk about me. I'm just that irresistible. I inherited that from my father.

"Why yes, we are." I say at the same time Sam yells out "Ew, no." Erica looks at us with a look I can't decipher, but she quickly turns back into a grin. I could feel Sam glaring at me from the corner of my eyes but kept my eyes on the rather gorgeous girl in front of me.

"Well I better leave you two to have some fun." She winks at Sam and walks off. "Oh and don't forget to call me Samantha! We haven't hung out in forever."

"I hate you more than I thought I could ever hate anyone." She says to me as soon as her friend is out of hearing distance. I bend over in a fit of laughter as tears fill up in my eyes. She leaves me to go with the moving line. After I sober up I eventually catch up to her as we get closer to the front of the line.

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